Discobot roleplay (sandbox version)


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 14



I attack the kage again
@discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 8, 6


I call my pet for heals and attack
@discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 7, 20


My pet doesn’t heal but I kill the kage perfectly anyways. A grand set of doors opens up into a manor. I go in and call for help
@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 9


I go in and start clearing. first 4 rooms
@discobot roll 4d20


:game_die: 7, 11, 18, 9


First room was hard, some enemies left. Second fine, third easy, 4th so-so
@discobot roll 4d20 loot


:game_die: 3, 8, 19, 15


I got a bone dagger and found a room behind the bookcase. I kill the coffins
@discobot roll 2d20 (2 coffins)


:game_die: 6, 9


Ouch! Teleport away and call my pet
@discobot roll 2d20

6 -> <-9


:game_die: 16, 16


I’m good. I go back in to kill the somewhat damaged enemies
@discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 3, 20


Thanks, I completely kill the second one. I decoy the bats that swarmed me and attack the first coffin one more time
@discobot roll 2d20