Discobot roleplay (sandbox version)


:game_die: 3


Still nothing but woods


hmm… my priest (6/8) is alive again

prepare for a jump to coordinates (245,582,593)
prepare to attack @Nameness

@discobot roll 2d20


:game_die: 13, 8


I pop out right next to @Nameness and fire; missing my shot.

@discobot roll 1d20
open a black hole


:game_die: 1


holy shit, why is the black hole not opening

barrage aimed @nameness @discobot roll 11d20
and open black hole


:game_die: 5, 6, 11, 20, 12, 11, 16, 5, 18, 11, 14


yes! black hole opened!


Is the nexus consumed? @discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 1


yes it is


I become promoted to the highest rank in this game
@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 18


:)) tyy


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.


I demote you @discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 19


Hah, higher roll, you have been demoted

I try to escape @TROLLDLLR
@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 8