

@discobot start advanced user


@discobot start new user

This post is pointless, because I found another way to talk to Discobot in a private conversation, but I’m not deleting it, because I’d rather not have my account put on hold a 3rd time.
The old new user tutorial got closed, so I just panicked and made this post.
I’m sorry.


Wh- who are you? I’m really nosy, and you have been one of my top mysterious forumers. I didn’t want to ping you and call you out for curtesy reasons, but… you never speak!

Another former on Discord mentioned he was going out liking the forumers with few posts to acknowledge them, so imagine my surprise when your singular post had disappeared! :cold_sweat:
I’m sorry for the sudden notice, but I’m really curious.


Nice to see you!
Did you just become a white star?


I don’t exist until tomorrow. :wink:


Did anyone else hear that odd gust of wind?


i think it’s blown over by now


@discobot roll 1d20

I wonder if this guy still works.


:game_die: 5


oh hey nice :slight_smile:

time to revive discobot rpg


@discobot start new user


@discobot start advanced user


help how do i change notification setting for a private message on mobile


you have the trust level “member” now, the system won’t decide to silence you anymore no matter what you do


I don’t think this thread is the right place for this, but you can move posts, as a leader.

Just another nobody. I mean, that’s what I think. What did you expect?

I don’t really have that much to say in general. This forum just gets the worst of it, since I don’t play RotMG anymore.

Why did my request for a new user tutorial get that many likes?




@discobot start new user
@discobot start advanced user


@discobot roll 5d8


:game_die: 4, 4, 8, 1, 6


@discobot start advanced user