Discussing Better Metrics to Rank Characters


Get rid of the backpack and dyes from the equation maybe. Other than that, seems alright.


I guess the 4 people that were in the ppe should give their thoughts

Tbh sounds good, except the bit where u mentioned the guy that died with highest base fame (ahem, me)

Pretty good template tho


cool and good


IMO you really can’t put much weight on RNG-dependant criteria such as whites or even pots. RNG-luck does not necessarily denote a better player




Ahh but I am not trying to denote a better player, just simply better characters.


Wonder who were some of those friends… . :thinking:

Oh and ahem @Clactipede

And you won because you died with the highest base fame? My PPE is still alive and its got 425 Base Fame. Pretty sure when i die, I’ve won our friend PPE competition. Plus I got a DBow.

(And i didn’t trade anything with that dude, i was just showing him that i got the DBow)

Anyway back to the main topic. I think it’s a very good structure but maybe no the backpack and dyes like @ArcturusV mentioned. May be a little unfair to those F2P’s who don’t pay for cosmetics and backpacks unlike the P2W’s (Unless they got some of those from the daily awards). But all in all, it’s pretty good. Keep it up.


Dude, you did your fucking research. Well fuckin’ done.


Some of the UTs in the chart were a bit unbalanced. Namely, I have problems with the following weapons:

  • Dirk of Cronus below Queen’s Stinger. One cannot easily farm Cube Gods; aside from that, the Nest’s drop rates are most likely higher than that of the Cube God’s.
  • Coral Bow below Doom Bow. UDLs are much easier to farm than Ocean Trenches, and then you usually have to compete for loot with well over 20 other players!
    That said, very interesting and quite balanced otherwise.

Know what, let’s grab one of my dead characters and see how much I’d’ve gotten! (non-PPE)

With the variables now being:

score = ~85%/1000 * ((6 * 0,125) * (394 + (20+8+15+4+6+12+6+4=75)* 10 + 0100 + 1100 + 1*100)) or 0,085 * (0,725 * 1344) equals 82,824

So, is that, like good…? I suppose not really…


So after seeing someone use the calculation I see some of the errors I have made, and some of the things I didn’t explain well.

So here is a revised version:

Each character shall receive a score based on several factors. Calculate the score and halve it if the character is dead. The character with the highest score wins.

score = (1+FameBonusPercentage/1000) * ( (1 + Maxed Stats * 0.125) * (BaseFame + EquipScore*10 + HasBackpack*100 + HasAccessoryDye*100 + HasClothingDye*100) )
EquipScore is equal to the total of all equipment tiers, look up any UT/ST1.

  • Added missing 1+ from Maxed Stats and FameBonus bonuses

There is an error on your part here here, the score is only calculated for equiped items, as this is the only info we can grab off realmeye.

After these changes and corrections I calculated your score as follows:

Then this must be halved as your character is dead.





Well seeing as your base fame was not extremely high I’m guessing not really. But you had good equips and bonuses, so until I work out some more I’m not sure.


Yeah, Sins don’t seem to live for a very long time with me. Hopefully my fiery fella will survive for long enough to get to 800 fame…


You gotta figure out a way to include the stat “fun” into your equation, with a multiplier of a bajillion.

I know that stat can’t be retrieved through the API, or realmeye, or even muledump, but it’s the most important one.


Better = more successful?
It still comes down to luck, which still means it is essentially an unfair comparison


So what would you propose which didn’t include RNG? Since Random numbers control almost all aspects of the game.


Well this is the problem with being a nay-sayer… sooner or later somebody very sensibly asks you for a better alternative :wink:

I will ponder and see if anything good floats to the surface.

Edit -

How about including a metric based on the number of enemies killed, their level of difficulty (either invent a rank system or simply base it on their def & hp) and the time taken.

eg (very roughly): (enemies killed*difficulty)/time
so if you kill 5 pirates in 3 hours of play you get a low modifier, but if you kill 100 GLand monsters in 3 minutes you get a high modifier


That’s not a bad idea… but again we can’t track this stat effectively without the use of Muledump. Even then we can only track God, Monster and Oryx kills.



Edit - I suppose a slightly messy way past it is to compare fame vs foes killed, but then that opens the door to fame trainers getting humongous fame levels from relatively few kills.

Ah well, back to RNG then :wink:


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