Divine's dumpster ppe


Where is the trash category?

Well, anyways I felt that I should make one of these.

I was super surprised I got this when I hit the boss once.

Kinda got excited and picked up everything.

and when I get back onto realm I see yesbutno probs stalking me


No, I was picking up dailies and decided to do the “Scout the theatre” quest for my hunt


Well I died…


Dbow at lvl 3 with t0 gear
with a large fking group of 30 ppl


Next time, let me have the dbow ^w^


Recommend 1 class to play I died put the dbow away
nvm imma play huntress


+13 hp


ngl I am bad at ppes
Don’t tell infamous that I died


This thread is both hilarious and inspiring. I might have to make my own…

Also, your udl luck is off the charts, lmao.


not only that apparently


ngl I’ve died so many times this is just my “lets see how long I can live and how much loot I get before I die thread”


Not just udl, his luck in general.


stop risking ur life with robe and leather characters, ur ranged, not a melee


thats low level lucc


I got excited and scared I got Ray, but I was lagging so much because I’m not on flash player since i’m not on my other laptop. Basically almost died trying to get this one little Ray. Ppe luck is weird…

@InfamousX Do you want this ray btw?
Also I miss the bright nexus…


dark mode nexus best nexus


my mystic has 27 life pots to max ;_;


Opps totally did that on accident @InfamousX Shh they will buy it…


I regret


F Crusty
EDIT: but now we have a cat in the witch’s house sooo…


I should probably start another ppe
What class should I play?

  • Knight
  • Paladin
  • Warrior
  • Rogue
  • Trickster
  • Ninja
  • Samurai
  • Mundane
  • Not Mundane

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