Do You _____?


Halls, for several reasons, actually.
First, I have always loved the lore of the halls
Second, I love how you can go into halls and there are choices on which boss to do.
Third, I enjoy the raid style feel of it, but also I am not very experienced so I still enjoy it.
Fourth, It’s never the same. With Shatts, your strategy is super consistent. Yes, halls is similar to that, but your strategy for each room will vary, but Shatts you will do the same exact thing every run.
Fifth, Halls loot exists.
Sixth, Cultist whites
Seventh, more specifically, the sprite of the Skull (even though it isn’t an amazing item)

Do you understand my reasoning, and do you agree or disagree with me?


I disagree with you because after you do about 10 halls it becomes repetitive (AT LEAST FOR ME) and droprates are rare as always. plus the randomness of halls works against it as runs can take much longer than shatters.

I do understand why you like it tho.

Do you think Deca should change the new heroic dungeons or scrap them, and why??/?/??/?/???


Scrap. I don’t see how making the normal dungeons harder but also removing pet usage would make an interesting dungeon.

Epic dungeons would be better since they are different enough from the original dungeon to be fun.

Do you plan on buying an easter egg for someone?


I’d buy an Easter Egg for myself >:3
Gotta get that chocolate estrogen boost!

Do you like your eggs scrambled, cooked sunny side up, or boiled?


No eggs.

Do you think this Heroic-dungeons are good?


Well I rely on my pet too much so I haven’t been able to finish one…

Do you dc from the new Heroic-Dungeon?


Hard to dc when I don’t even connect in the first place.

Are Do you want to go on holiday right now?


No, and also that is not a Do You question :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you have a t6 seal you would give me in _____?


I don’t have one, so, nope :3

Do you wish for things often?


Yes I wish for lh whites oreo event whites jugg event whites ogumr event white and well you get the point. Wait did I say I want event whites?

Do you are lucky?


What is luck

How long did it take you to get a jugg?


6 months. I opened many many many special crates to get it.

Do you want a wall to be built?


Im not an American, but in my opinions wall are ignorant and do not solve problems.

My country put up a wall and fence along the german border after ww2, it never did anything besides help to fuel racism and ignorance about Germans.

The deer in that region will not even cross the region where the wall once lay, sad

If you could own one country which would it be?


No they are just old dungeons with minions with more hp and only 3 extra attacks for the ghost god


hmmmmmm :thinking:

nah, its probably nothing.

I would own Canada so I can enforce my totalitarian rule over the people for not calling me by the pronouns bitch and lasagna.

Do you think realmeye is a great site? :Kappa:


yes ofc

Do you think T-series should have more subs than pew-die-pie


Do I think someone who uploaded pirated music, uses a bot to automatically gain subs, and is probably going to get sued deserves to be more well-known than PewDiePie?
…I think you understand what I’m getting at >_>

Do you sometimes forget that you should start your questions in this thread with “Do you”?


yes, i sometimes do. however, most of the time i catch my mistake and reword it to make it a Do you question before I post.
Do you realm on a laptop or desktop?


A laptop that barely runs a web browser with one tab open without overheating and all sorts of terrible things.

Do you like your personality?


For now, yes, but i fear what i may become…

Do you think that “Duck Duck Goose” is a game fueled by prejudice against geese?