Do You _____?


Yes. Although it may not be as easy to survive on, the ability is tons of fun, and decoys are amazing and tons of fun as well.

Do you know da wae


I do not know da wae

Do you prefer to get EP’s or Planes from limon?


Planes. Ep’s are useless because people don’t know how soulbound damage works. Plane is actially useful and has more feedpower.
Do you have good grades?


yeah. my lowest grade right now is a B in honors chemistry. All my other grades are in the A range

Do you enjoy chemistry?


Yes, it’s ez.
Do you like precalc?


it was easy. it’s wayyy easier than calc
do you travel often?


No, I sorta wish.

Do you like dried cranberries



Do you like dried berries in general?


Yeah, just not with too much sugar
Do you play kingdom hearts?


No. Got no idea what it is.

Do you think the dog in my PFP is cute?



do you have any pets?


Have a wild guess.

Do you like dogs more than cats?



do you like snakes more than lizards?



Do you believe in exercising the right to vote?



Do you take a shower every day?


Yes, I’m not a barbarian lol

Do you believe that the voting age should be raised to 21?


No, more people to vote. 21 is reserved for getting drunk and high.

Do you like jeans?


no, they’re the most uncomfortable clothes ever

do you like jeans?


No to most jeans, but I recently for a pair from Uni Qlo called comfy jeans of whatever and they look like normal jeans but feel like track pants on the inside, they’re fantastic.

Do you shop at Uni Qlo?


what is this

do you like to to things worthy of the FBI watchlist