Doc - The Mod


(Getting Annoyed)


If YinYarn sees this, he’ll think your a small brained 12 year old who plays knight.


I’m a ppe btw, lelxd



Why do you spam the forums so much with useless topics.




You are kidding right? He meant that the same answer applied from the last thread to this one.


Seems like a copy paste to me.

Doesn’t have anything to do with purification


@Doc from now on will wield the Tome of Approval
@Zlushy stop being retarded, why is your profile picture a bomb instead of a missile?
@OtherBill already gave you an answer.

kinda got ninja’d by @CandyShi


stay cool my dudes
dont argue like wtf just ignore zlushy




It looks like you copy and pasted from the OB thread…

Why isn’t @Mattyfatty description, wields the Prism of Leadership? (idk why)
Why isn’t @HGKing describtion, wields the Orb of Mystics? (ran out of ideas, lol)
Why isn’t @Stupidity description, wields the Smile of Knowledge? (He’s the Devoid of knowledge or reason)
Not everything has to have perfect logic… XHippobroX out!


Well, I was simply asking the same question but to Doc instead


you could put them into one thread so its not as annoying for people who find that annoying. Because you should know there will always be at least one person who complains about that, this time its me.




there’s a lot of people who get annoyed by having 2 similar threads.


Well, we can’t always have our way can we? Just don’t click the 2nd thread ez


If you didn’t made two threads we couldn’t click 2nd thread


If you didn’t have a computer, you wouldn’t complain as you could not click on the threads or even knew Realmeye existed. ez


@XHippobroX @Kirkoma


because he gets satisfaction from irritating and confusing other forum users.