Does anyone know a group that runs alot of tombs?


I really want to get some of the tomb whites, and having some more life pots would be great.


I guarantee you if you ask a guild to join just for keys they will reject you, if they are a decent guild.


They didn’t ask for a guild though :thinking:


Considering the number of guilds using key popping as part of their advretisement, I doubt it. Also, I think he’s talking about tomb running discords…
@wasabiburn Halls is an unlternative option if you’re just looking for life and good whites (not if you’re looking for prot)


I’m pretty sure that edit was removing it? Not sure, maybe I was just blind.


The edit was just a move to a different category


I’m not aware of any discords that run tombs outside of events. Personally I find it intresting on ppe’s but fairly boring on my main chars.


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