Does Prism of Dire Instability Count as SB Damage?


Only have one in vault I don’t see myself anytime soon because I hate you too, encore, for not giving me more instabilities than tshots (rng can’t catch a break, amirite) but I wanted to know for the sake of dirty public tombs and the like.


yes it does


From a patch last September:

(Didn’t know it was that long ago, I was searching updates like a few months ago till I got bored and decided to ctrl+f the wiki!)


Hmm i heard the reef poison doesnt count toward sb. Maybe because it was implemented later, or maybe im wrong


oh shit, I think I remember at one point knowing instability did soulbound and ghostly prism did not, it’s just been awhile since that was an actual question, that said, even though I must’ve read that patch notes (because I like reading patch notes for the smaller details I tend to miss and others usually gloss over), I never picked up on that, so tysm for putting that here ^^’


Well let’s test this! Give me the easiest boss to solo / get sb loot and I’ll see if it does or doesn’t.


Malphas could be easy as he doesnt move a lot in the first phase. Or you could use it on a quest chest if you dont mind possibly wasting one.


Ooh that’s a good idea! Thanks and I’ll post back once I finish. :slight_smile:


@Novachiz seems like it does, as it should.


ayyy lmao u could have just asked guill to give pots and then u could test it lol


Guill’s chest drop items in public bags so even if you could deal not sb damage it still will drop pots


That’s not entirely true, collectively you and your guildies have to deal around half of it’s health in order for it to drop pots. For example, I did one hit with a sky and let my pet do the rest, but no pots dropped.


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