D'oh error (Kongregate user)


I’m trying to get this thing running but no matter what I do it’s been broken since yesterday. I had flash projector running ROTMG yesterday with my Kongregate account but they updated which forced me to change that version number in my copy paste link but now I’m getting that unable to load languages error.

I’ve tried adding the whole link and the two or three links inside the link to the trusted websites but to no avail. I know the standard procedure is to add the .swf file but it was my understanding that kong users only had a link, which was working yesterday anyway and is working now in chrome but flash projector is much smoother and still refuses.


I am using Flash Projector with my Kong account right now. The ‘unable to load languages’ error was fixed for me by downloading the SWF each time it changes, and using Open Location with a local URL, e.g.


The other thing I need to do is add the folder it’s in, ~/Sites, to the trusted folders location in Flash’s settings. This is intended for developers, so they can run a file locally on their machine which is meant for uploading to a web site. It should stop it refusing to load files like the language file.


That’s fixed it! Thank you Skandling, I didn’t know how to reference the file for Kong or the ~/Site thing


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