Double white bag at ice tomb


This happened to me minutes ago

just one had the ring… The other just a snow flake :frowning: so sad


How do you get just a snowflake from a white bag?


one had a ring and other had just a snow flake??

double whites like that are from having a full bag and white


just a snow flake and just a ring isnt possable

unless ones full and the other had the ring


The one had ice shard ring+ some trash pots. The other had just a snow flake :frowning:


The double bags are a result of one bag overflowing, and a second is created to compensate. Since you got a white in this case, the bag color is white (If it was just pots, the bag would be dark blue). Looks pretty cool.


ice tomb drops pots?


Those shits +20vits stats not pots mb


@moderators Move to white bag thread.


Tl;dr if you have enough items that the bag overflows, second bag inherits first bag type regardless of content.

I don’t have screenshots to prove it but I think this was NOT always the case.


i know how it works, was js his wording threw me off


Yes that is true. I got 2 blue bags from skuld (with an etherite, this was b4 orange bags) but 2 blue bags does not mean 1 pot in each bag. The 1st bag was full and the 2nd only had one trash item


Yeah, some people got white bags in Abyss and Ceme that were nothing but trash because the actual white bag item had been pushed to a nonexistent 9th bag slot. That’s why we can now have double bags.


It’s fine in Bugs because the post is about a whitebag containing items that aren’t whitebag tier, and this isn’t perhaps expected behaviour to see from the game.

Ideally the overflow bag would be appropriate type for its exact contents. But might be just too much of a coding nightmare to be worth the effort though, if the game is producing a “single container” that is 9+ items and reading the bag type from the best overall item in the “container”.


Ah, my apologies. Personally this is something that I thought a little more of the community would know. Especially when I go in Cemeteries this is really common.
But since it really is a bug, what would DECA do to fix it? I mean, to me it is fine the way it is. Do we need to make some new bag to hold extra items or?


I believe it’s fine as it is.

Double white bag looks really cool, even if 1 of the bags doesn’t have any whites.
and not to mention, it’s just not worth the trouble to ‘fix’ it…


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