Dragging MBC out of boss room [PATCHED!]


Edit: Props to luma gang for discovering this, also props to Deca for the super quick patch! Patch X.31.4.0

@Redluma @Aqualuma @Snowluma @SuckFean

S/o to this epic video, I found it entertaining hahaha

It’s also interesting as it shows some hidden things you might not see under normal circumstances…for example the tentacle spawners (see: 2:18) are fixed in the boss room and behave like forgotten king tentacles (i.e. separate entities that shoot the shots) but I’ve yet to see MBC tentacle spawners get insta killed by ctraps, so props to kidd and the team for not making that oversight.

But then at another phase (3:44) you can see that mbc is spawning the tentacles now so that’s pretty interesting, and then again (4:42) survival / 3 core phase is separate spawners. An interesting thing I learnt is that the shots coming out of mbc during survival are actually not random but a spiral, just normally I’m too concerned about not dying to realize that xD

Once this gets some attention however I think Deca will fix it pretty soon, probably by adding a max range that mbc can wander from the middle.


That’s quite something


ok so it IS possible to do both MBC AND Cult.



can we get random forumers and do this??


petition to do this?

  • Lets get this bread and do it!
  • Forgot it, waste of time (I think)

0 voters

lets do this guys, lets just jump into it…
So if this gets enough votes from people, we will plan it and do it. We will drag mbc out of his room before deca fixes this. SO, lets do this fast and good and great. Get this bread guys!
Edit: I or someone will create discord and people will join it, remember guys we can only do this once.


Discord link

we must do this swiftly and fast so deca doesn’t patch it…


frick, I would do this but I’ve got homework ;-;
Tell me how it goes though.


oof, We will plan it tmr and see how many people we get.


aight, sounds good


This video was such a fun to watch. Thank you luma trio and SuckFean!
03:21am here, so I can’t x)


that’s actually pretty standard, kabam was just moronic and gave the tentacles of wrath stupid low hp.

the reason for that is that if a single entity ever has more than 128 projectiles out at once, everyone nearby DC’s. since those sorts of bullet walls use a ton of projectiles, most phases that use something like that have to split the projectiles between two different entities. remember that malus DC bug way back when LH 2.0 new? his blue attack pattern in the final phase used up so many projectiles that if he was on-screen your client would detect more than 128 projectiles coming from him and would crash.

actually they are “randomized” somewhat, because the rocks shooting out those projectiles orbit MBC at high speed which messes up their would-be perfectly clean spiral pattern. it looks clean in the video because the rocks are stuck up against the wall in the corner.


Oooo nvm, i thought they were random cuz i never seemed to notice a spiral, totally forgot they were rocks orbiting and not mbc himself >.<


I already have a fix lined up (it’s a 1 line change). I’m unsure when that will get implemented since I don’t have direct access to the file and I don’t know when the devs will have the time to implement it and test it.

This does give you a look into how MBC is constructed and the hacky things I had to do to make it all work.

There’s a bit more to the rocks than simply high speed like Xaklor mentioned to achieve that pseudo randomness, the second rock doesn’t orbit the center of the room like the first one, it orbits the first rock. This creates a very unique way of shots being distributed across the arena however it does cause an issue of having basically no control over shot distribution and thus unfair patterns, in general it is usually dodge-able but I would probably go with a choice between a bunch of spread patterns if I did it nowadays.

If you have more question on how things are handled for anything LH related then I’d be more than happy to answer as long as it doesn’t provide any advantages in play that is.


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