Dream Set?


Warrior with Pixie, Jugg, Breastplate, and Bracer.

Also, to whom it may concern: I am officially back on the Forums! So that’s cool!


Bear sword, Ogmur, Cheater armor, Gold medal.


Stinger Dagger,
Leaf Dragon,


if you want cheater armor email a screenshot of ur game to deca and i’m sure they’d be happy to oblige






Dblade Jugg Acrop Deca :smiley:

(ik dblade is easy af to get and i can just save up for acrop and deca but i’ll never get a jugg)


flashbacks to my archer


u are bad and u should feel bad.


Lava walks are bad and they make me feel bad


still your fault


admin staff
st spell
admin crown


##Welcome to the Forums, fellow guildie @BotMakeout!
##Have a cookie! :cookie:

I know he was kicked from the guild but he might of stopped hacking


wow u seriously had to edit that cause u forgot the cookie
how dare you


:open_mouth: how you see that

we do not speak of that


got the new unread notification
clicked it
saw there was no cookie
2 seconds later there was a cookie



Warrior Dream Set (aesthetics)

Wizard Dream Set (aesthetics)


That war Armour? Really?


warr : pixie swift bunny zaarvox’s cpop


Thank you for bringing up that fact. <3