Drop Rates of untiered whites


I collected data from multiple sources of drop rates, and listed all of them here. There was once a leaked file that showed the exact drop rates, but has been recently taken down by legal action from Deca.

Hermit Jugg (per Tentacle Spawner)

Quiver of Thunder (per Nature Sprite)

Dirk of Cronus

Sphinx Jugg

Between 0.2% and 0.3%
Resu 0.25%


Candy Coated
Ancient Stone Sword
Leaf Bow
LoD Armors
Skull of Torment
Doom Bow
Demon Blade
Shatters Rings

Firecracker Katana
Ray Katana
Crystal Wand
Dancing Swords
Spirit Dagger
Arachna Doku

Thessal Coral Bow
Esben UTs
Morning Star
Ghostly Prism
Lab Robe
BftN Vanities


Coral Gift Ctrap

Thessal Coral Trap
Crystal Sword
Tomb Rings
Chicken UTs

Coral Gift Cbow

EDIT: added jugg drop rate per tentacle spawner

This is all of the exact data I received, but I’ll edit them if there are some changes to be needed.

Just how rare is a cbow?
Stupid question [would you trade bulwark for a jugg?]
Unoffical RotMG drop rates!
How Rare is Resu?
Rarities of Items
SB Thresholds
Drop Chances (by dungeon)
The White Bag Thread
Official/unoffical RotMG drop rates!
The White Bag Thread

You sure about Plane and EP getting the same drop rates? I’ve gotten like twenty billion Planes but only 2 EPs.


I’m pretty sure that’s right.
I seem to get 5x the amount of EPs compared to Planewalkers, so it’s just RNG.


It would be worthwhile to add: (per Pentaract Tower) against Oreo, as its seemingly ultra-low rate is x5 really, taking it above the other melee whites.

The numbers seem to feel right, though of course any or all of them could be wrong.


Very interesting.


That Hermit Jugg rate is odd af.


I do recall seeing that somewhere before… It has somethin to do with the tentacles.


It does not


So this is why I can’t get this stupid bulwark to drop


1% shatters rings

In order for this to be true I would have had to finished a average of 3100 shatters. I have not done this that number is wrong.


But I did do 311 to get 1 shatters ring. It’s all RNG and it can easily be true.


Not with those high of numbers, can yes but highly unlikely and IK others in the same situation as me.


and then there’s people in my situation :stuck_out_tongue:


I have gotten a bulwark once… That I put on a mule before they were SB :frowning:


very nice, everyone wants to know this.


really, it would normally be 0.26% per tentacle spawner, but sb dmg also needs to be applied to the hermit god himself as well, and it’s calculated to be 0.19%. No wonder why I never get sb loot from a hermit cuz I never realized that tentacles apply to sb loot.


Seems legit


Hermit Jugg doesn’t seem to be in the right spot.


Hermit Jugg is so close to 0.2, that it wouldn’t make sense to create its own category. The category names he used weren’t meant to be exact, but the drop rates were.


<Behavior targetId="Hermit God">CopyDamageRecord</Behavior>

Only the hermit itself counts for SB it seems

The tentacle spawner are the one dropping the loot which is prob where the confusion comes from

-Kidd Force