Dumbest Kid in the World? [HUGE GIVEAWAY WORTH 36+ LIFE]


Hey guys,
This is me, the “Pixie Giveaway Guy!” Earlier today, I accidentally deleted my Youtube Video with 100 likes and 1000 views. (How do these stupid things even happen…) Anyways, I’m not going to explain how I did it or I’m going to feel like crying again. So I decided that I would do another giveaway. It makes me happy to think that other people will be happy when they win. I’m kinda running out of stuff so this might be my last giveaway. Hopefully it makes a lot of ya guys happy!

Here are the rules:
The giveaway will end when all the prizes are given out. I will be using a Random Number Generator to decide the winners. I haven’t found one yet so if you could comment below saying which ones are good that would be nice! When each of the landmarks below is hit, I will mention the winner right away/as soon as I can get to it:

Prizes for Views…
100 Views: 1 Mana WINNER: @HipoDK
200 Views: 1 Mana (+ wutever random rainbows i have lol) WINNER: @KiIuA
300 Views: 1 Life WINNER: @LongSkelly
400 Views: 1 Life
500 Views: 1 Pixie
600 Views: 1 Life
700 Views: 1 Life
800 Views: 1 Life
900 Views: 1 Life
1000 Views: 1 Pixie

Prizes for Likes…
50 Likes: 1 Mana + 1 Nun Skin that I have from some calendar LOL WINNER: @LaserQuest
100 Likes: 1 Life
150 Likes: 1 Life
200 Likes: 1 Life
250 Likes: 1 Pixie
300 Likes: 1 Life
400 Likes: 1 Pixie

Prizes for Additional Gained Subscribers Overall:
50 Subscribers: 2 Life
100 Subscribers: 2 Life
200 Subscribers: 1 Pixie

To enter, you must like the video and comment on the Youtube video, saying if you enjoyed my music or anything u want to say or improvements I could make. You can get extra entries by posting if you drink the tea first or the bubbles first. If you comment anything about rotmg, you will not be added to the giveaway and your comment will be deleted.
After you finish that, come back to realmeye and reply to this thread using the following format:
1. Youtube Name
2. Date you entered the giveaway
3. Anything random u want to say
Once you finished all the steps, you will be entered in the giveaway! :slight_smile:

The link for my video is here:
Click here for the video

Each person can only win twice to make sure everyone gets a fair chance. As you can see, in order to unlock all the prizes, you will have to share my channel with your friends (Hopefully you have a lot so you are not lonely :slight_smile: <3 ). Also, if you comment down in the Youtube comments whether you drink the tea first or eat the bubbles first, you will get two entries instead of one.

Good Luck to everyone, and have fun clearing my vault and making me broke. <3 I hope at least every one of you wins something!


oh its u again
lel xd i wasted my other pixie thingy so yea im here to enter lel xd ppe btw

youtube: Sir PotsALot


i turn a year older on the 12th time to go rub in the fact im 4 days older than my friend in his face

tea first ;3


RIP U DIED?! also rmbr to enter with the right format <3


is dat the right format now?
i can donate sum rainbow to help the prizes

  1. My youtube name is Star NinjaKiwi.
  2. I entered on October 11th.
  3. I don’t play ninjakiwi anymore and I don’t think niegil likes me :thinking:


That is very nice of you, but I don’t think I’ll need it. <3
The format is in the thread. Sorry it’s kinda long. :frowning:


neigil never liked u


Thanks for entering lol! Also I know you just moved this thread to Videos and Streaming, but shouldn’t it be in player events? Sorry I haven’t really used this forum much so I’m kinda inexperienced.


Don’t think it matters, it kinda fits under both categories as it’s a giveaway and you’re showing people your video :wink:


O sorry I didn’t see that you edited your post. It’s good now though. :slight_smile: o and happy birthday


Ok thanks for clarifying. :slight_smile:


ign Nixloot


Correct me if I’m wrong but weren’t those soulbound?


YT: Jacob Radford
IGN: LongSkelly



Mine is not soulbound. Just checked


I didn’t see that you commented or liked the video. Make sure you do that, or you won’t be in the giveaway!

  1. YT: no shame
  2. 10/11/17
  3. w0t in music creation


Lol thanks for entering


If you want to enter, please use the format specified in the thread.


1.A Mars123
3.I drink the tea first. save the best for last