"earn-able" event whites idea


2nd one. I don’t bother.


That’s the POINT.


It’s not really broken, considering you would need to do like 300 if this were actually added.

The point of this is to negate the rng aspect of event whites, they’re way too rare, and almost nobody gets them.

Making a boss’s main drop so rare that it can take literally 5 years to get sucks the joy out of doing the boss.

I really like this, even more so than the OP. I would suggest a slight change so that you don’t get to chose whatever you want, maybe like a mystery box roll and get a guaranteed random event white, or maybe let them choose, but different whites cost different amounts of dust.

maybe if the items weren’t unreasonably rare people wouldn’t be making ideas like this?


i think you just have to deal with the rarity. the items are rare for a reason


Im fine with items being rare, but an item literally taking people 3-6 years to get is completely unreasonable, and there needs to either be an easier way to earn them or the drop rates need to be increased.


the thing is that truthfully, you can farm almost every event in a day if you truly put your heart to it. The sad truth is that the reason why it takes so many years is that people don’t only farm for whites. For logical reasons, they choose to run dungeons rather then clearing realms simply to earn a white. People complain but if you actually look at it, in those 3-6 years, many people who don’t yet have event whites haven’t even ran those individual bosses 1,000 times (No this seems like a high limit but look… They’re event whites. They supposed to be rare). Of course, I can’t say this is true for everyone but just because you played for a long time doesn’t mean you used the majority of that time to farm events.


I’ve easily run like 5x more event bosses than I have MBC, void, and shatters bosses combined, but I have 12 whites from those bosses, and only 1 event white (a qot, so not even from an actual event boss), they shouldn’t be literally 5-6x rarer than shatters/LH whites.


That reason is?


because they’re good…

edit: i mean i don’t want to sound patronizing, but i really don’t know what else you want me to say.


They have their drawbacks, as white bags.
The point behind the OP is that event whites are kept away from most players because RNG never favours them, and it’s only hard to get event whites because they’re soulbound, so you have to rely on your own luck and can’t buy like you once could.


Getting event whites from tokens just isn’t the same as the real thing.


Have the events earned through this way a temporary? Like a 1-2 hour rental? That way the mark treshold can be lower, and getting a permanent event white would still be awesome, while being able to try them out without needing to go full lucky slot 777 on them.


I think I like this temporary concept somewhat, though obviously having a permanent item is better.

For another idea:
What if the earnable white was not the exact same item, but basically the same (eg how Helm of the Juggernaut doesn’t have quite the same stat bonuses, but the effect is pretty much the same).


Then all the special snowflake rare looted ones remain rare and have the show-off “I beat RNG” aspect, but anyone who just cares about the functionality can still get ahold of the item and use it. Needn’t be the stat bonuses, could be the fame % is made higher on the RNG one vs the token one.


Then don’t do it.

I’d be fine with this, as long as they aren’t nerfed by too much.


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