Ecookied Ppe Thread


When do you think I would get one anyways.




I thought you were rly old


Ok first your dad and now ur mom, how old r u? Hiding in your room and using alt+tab?


Yeah ikr. Uh they don’t like me to play a lot of this game. Kinda do this more than he


looks like u didn’t finish ur sentence, maybe your parents came in again


I was gonna say the same :sweat_smile:


I do realm more than hw.


Sigh not Splendor.


Wait you’ve got the exact same bag before. Illuminati confirmed


Lmao Ur right. but not same ppe tho.


Wait what…??


went afk in cult beginning. dont know how i died tho


Uh not gonna make another one for now, until the new character slot in a couple days.


that is a big oof :frowning: did u have ur colo on it and dominion?


Ye… pretty sure someone dragged on me too.


ok lets duo starting tomorrow


I’m a day late on the calendar. :stuck_out_tongue:


argh, reeeee
but sure i can wait


get gud