Efficient pot farming in glands dungeons


The only reason I said leucoryx was because sansisgood said it was easy


did you pay attention?


Did you read my post? I addressed the fact that he said that and explained my reasoning for responding to the other posters who brought up the topics. How was this hard to understand?


Its okay Dee, its just that I saw no one calling out the fact that OP probably wont adventure there for awhile and that it wasnt what was asked, thats all.


luke counters are easy if u dodge xd high damage is no damage if you dodge =)


ok for glands, do libs for ez wis/vit, sneks or cems for speed, nothing for life (tombs?), ots for mana, wlabs for that sweet sweet attack, cdepts/sew for def, and i think thats it.


in theory you could grind wlabs for life, and i find cd to be one of the better/easier sources of mana. also tombs/ot are not glands dungeons, but yea tomb is a good life source for non-discord users if there is a rusher (just play rogue and rushes are pretty easy, but fuck tomb rushing on any other)


srry i forgot cd/wlab dropped life im stoopid xd


I’m going to have to recommend you to farm UDLs. A lot of endgame players who get a lot of life, transfer it to glife, or just get the glife itself, are way too pained to farm UDL. In your case, it seems like you can rush UDLs pretty efficiently, so in my opinion, it’s the perfect dungeon for you.


They really can’t do Leucoryx as a 2/8, let alone Leucoryx, possibly Gemsbok


Use rogues or tricksters for Sprite Worlds, if you don’t have one, call people to your dungeon, you won’t 100% get a blue bag in that case, but it’s definetly faster.

For Snake Pits and Abysses, don’t bother looking for treasure rooms, unless you know the treasure room hunt trick. You should kill all the White Demons for attack.

For Puppet Master Theatre, if you encounter a Treasure Room and you see the blue artifacts stick around, that means another Treasure Room is lurking somewhere.

For Undead Lairs, the Treasure Rooms are common so, I’d probably say it’s a good idea to look for it, unless you’re skeptical.

Haunted Cemetary is a good group dungeon, so if you see a horse make sure to call it out, you should stop at the 4th boss if you’re not comfortable with the final, unless you believe you can do it. It’s brings very good loot and potions, you can get T6 - T11 weapons, T6 - T12 armors, T3 - T5 abilities. You can get every rainbow potion here, Defense, Dexterity, Wisdom, Vitality, Attack, and Speed.

Toxic Sewers is another dungeon you should call out, it’s a good source of defense.

You should do Deadwater Docks ( I don’t know about the new one ) but it’s good tops and speed/dex, the whites are also good, you should use a cutlass since it’s one of the easier UT swords to get, and really good, of course you probably won’t get something like a Sword of the Colossus yet.

The new woodlab is pretty good but it’s pretty dangerous at the same time, you can get the Leaf Bow which is good and you can get 2 greater attack/vitality potions.

All Godlands dungeons are recommended since they’re all simple

Follow this step and you’ll be a 6/8 in about 3 - 4 hours.

Now with Life and Mana, this one is a hard one to do, but run as many Parasite Chambers, Ocean Trenches, and Ice Caves for mana, those aren’t always common though, sometimes you need somebody to pop keys for you, but call any of these dungeons and at least 1 person will surely come ( if you’re in a crowded realm or a non O3 realm- )

For Life this one is hard to decide, but if you want the long way, just do Tomb of the Ancients, other than that I don’t know, you need to learn other dungeons that drop life.

You don’t have to join Discords but they’re the absolute best way for life, or UT/ST items, or just for enjoyment ( hah that’s a joke, Discords tend to suck ) but if you want to learn Nests, Lost Halls, Shatters, or O3s.

Actually Shatters thinking about it, if you can get past the Courtyard, even if the drop rates are so small, it might be a fun trip for you.


Nests and Cult are good place as well.


nest is deffs great for life, key factor is learning which projectiles are the dangerous ones, like paralyze and confuse. i used to loathe any sort of lh since it took so long. cults are waaay quicker now though, which is great not only for pots, but also the uts.


Imo discord’s are what make the game worth playing, I’m including friend and guild discords in this, public discords help you access harder content or farm events, 99% of my interactions with the people in them are positive or neutral and the problems with large discords runs filling up fast can’t be fixed unless you want to pay money yourself, joining smaller discords fix’s this problem. Guilds in this game are almost worthless without a discord server. Im part of a few guild discords and friend discords and I’m not even part of the guilds in game, but I can still chat and play the game with them much better than the in game chat.


Discords are fine for now, just toxic people ( you’ll have to handle it ), bad rls/callouts making you end up dead, and just listening to an rl basically, there’s very few good rls


i join the run then once the rl calls the location i mute them and continue to listen to my music. There’s not point hearing the same instructions multiple times when you know the dungeon well.


LI disagree, some rls aren’t very good but it’s rare you’ll find one who’s calls are so bad they ruin a run or cause anyone to die, if you know what you are doing and don’t mess with the group most people don’t mind.


i’d say most of the time it’s not the rl’s fault but mainly the people. For example in mbc survival people don’t go for the inner key and it turns scuffed by people nexusing and being too scared of getting hit by a few shots. A better example is leucoryx where people aren’t bothered enough to hit the orbs which resolves into 70% of the people nexusing.


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