Ehhh how to get sb loot in tomb


ya i do get geb mark every tombs


Man that’s just bad rng then again I’ve only gotten a handful of tomb whites


r u sure that its rng when u get mark? cuz i run sprite worlds with people and happen to get mark, but if i solo i get dex


U always get the pot if u solo
Btw in sprites, dex is guaranteed for 2 people


Same principle applies to solo tombs you have a guaranteed 3 Life at that point if you solo


huh really? mark means u hit sb loot but have bad rng? i usually do davies and get mark because theres alot of people, but if i solo with guild i get loot




i meant if i do davies with guild


Well, it’s just chance.
It’s similar to overdamage, fire swords, kendo sticks, etc.
U still have the same chance at loot.
I think.


did a sprite a while ago with 5 people, ended up 150 damage and only mark


Shoot the thingies that move in circles

and then pray


wdym, the artifacts from bes?


I don’t know what you are trying to prove here.


No, i was referencing the tomb gods


im proving dat if u do little damage u get mark

what if theres nut and geb rage at the same time



A white ain’t worth it


well i did nut and geb rage with 10 people, we made it but i got 0/3


Why did u respond to my post about chances then?


didnt know u were posting bout chances

my brain is confusing meeeee


More likely than not you are going to not get anything, which is why that little part was added, to point that out