Elemental Wizard {UT Wizard Set}


Pyro Magus Staff


A staff of a destructive flame; a fire mage of unobtainable prowess sacrificed his life to empower it, filling it with his health and regenerative properties.


  • Tier: UT
  • Damage: 200-300(250)
  • Range: 5.5
  • Projectile Speed: 4.5
  • Rate of Fire: 50%
  • Stat Bonus: +3 vitality +30 hp
  • Special properties: Piercing
  • Spell shots deal 200 damage on curser.
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 600

Drops From:

  • Shaitan the Advisor

Frost Warlock Blast

spellice spellshot

A warlock whos ice magic was so powerful, that he could explode, freezing everything around him and transforming himself into the ice. In order to revive him, his essence was trapped into a scroll, along with his extraordinary magic powers.


  • Tier: UT
  • MP Cost When Held: 40/second
  • Effect When Held: Slowed and armored to self.
  • MP Cost: 120
  • Shots: 10
  • Damage: 100-175(137.5)
  • Total Damage: 1000-1750(1375)
  • Range: 10
  • Projectile Speed: 10
  • Effect On Enemy: Petrified
  • Stat Bonus: +3 wisdom +30 mp
  • Armor negative stats are reduced by 3. (30 for mp and hp.)
  • Fame Bonus: 6%
  • Feed Power: 1200

Drops From:

  • Esben the Unwilling

Robe of the Terra Archmage


An earthen mage who sought a way to be closer to magic, and the earth. Through her search, she became one with the earth, using it to channel her magic. As the years past, her mind faded away, but her shell still stands, as a conduit to greater understanding.


  • Tier: UT
  • Stat Bonus: +17 defense +8 attack -5 speed -3 dexterity -50 hp
  • Ring passive abilities are doubled. (anything they do that has a number, has that number doubled.)
  • Fame Bonus: 5%
  • Feed Power: 1000

Drops From:

  • Murderous Megamoth

Soul of the Sky Seer


There was a wizard who could swim through the air as though it was water. With the wave of his hand, the winds would whisk him away. Then, during a single battle, he was killed. The winds carried his body away, leaving behind his stormy soul.


  • Tier: UT
  • Stat Bonus: +6 dexterity +7 speed
  • Increases weapon rate of fire by 10%.
  • Fame Bonus: 4%
  • Feed Power: 500

Drops From:

  • N/A

More info

  • The spell works like a star, holding to give armored and slowed, and then released to petrify. It balances out, as while the enemy cant shoot or move, they take reduced damage.
  • With the robes, there wasn’t any thing I could think of (besides cave of a thousand treasures) that felt earthy. If anyone has a suggestion on where it should drop, I’m happy to hear it.
  • Also happy to hear of any suggestion ideas of where the ring should drop.
  • Rings sprite is definitely not permanent.
  • The robe makes the rings rate of fire +20%.
  • Say you had the robe equipped, and a ring with a passive ability of: 5% chance on hit to grant invisibility to everyone in 1.5 tiles for thee seconds, and +2 hp and -100 speed for 3 for three seconds. Thanks to the robe, the rings ability would read: 10% chance on hit tp grant invisibility to everyone in 3 tile radius for six seconds, and +4 hp and -200 speed for six seconds.

Gotgot's Super-Duper-Sprite-Pile

All cool concepts
All op
Btw robe could drop from murderous megamoth and ring could drop from ivory wyvern, those are the two bosses I thought of that could be considered as matching that element in some way


Yeah, I think I might nerf them a bit, as my original ideas for them were really weak, and these felt too powerful, I’m going to try and find a middle ground. The Megamoth is a good idea, but I’m not quite sure about the wyvern, while it is a dragon, it doesn’t quite feel like an air creature. still a good idea though.


Feargus is the wind element


I would say that Feargus is the associated with the shadow element?


That is what I tought before LoD rework, and maybe before the rework it was.
However, you can check: Feargus is the wind element, evident by his quotes and such


As far as I can see, Feargus always controlled the shadow element and still does. Not only does his color theme suggest this, but even his minions are known as Shades. According to the RealmEye’s absence of the section (and my memory), the quotes of Feargus remain unchanged.

The Realm Eye also states that “Oryx captured a Darkness Sprite and fused it with the body of a fabled dragon”.


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