Emperor - The Mighty Class (also the hardest class)


To put it simply I am getting tired of the same old classes and quite frankly I believe we need a new class to keep old players interested and maybe even get some new players hooked into the sensation that is Realm of the Mad God. When I was really obsessed with this game (and kind I still am a little bit) I thought of a class more powerful than any other but also the hardest to use (just to balance out the actual brute strength of this character) and what is this class you ask? The Emperor. “he uses his mighty axe to batter his enemies and uses his crown infused with the spirits of the kings of yesteryears gone by to strike down his foes”. Yes, he has an axe and as the name would infer it would have humongous damage, short to mid range but terrible dexterity. He also has a crown, a high damage magical weapon with a large range which uses a lot of MP. Now, the actual Emperor (sample pictures below), has the highest attack, health and has the same defence as the other heavy armour classes i.e. Warrior, Paladin, Knight. However has the lowest speed, dexterity, vitality and wisdom in the game. Which would make timing and stat potions imperative. This class would be favoured by the players who like a high damage class who has a certain risk factor tied in with the class and instead of being unlocked with other class level ups, the Emperor would be unlocked through gaining a certain amount of fame. I have been playing this game now ever since it came out in 2011, so I have been waiting a long time for a new class to appear and it just hasn’t happened. So, even if it’s not the Emperor that comes out in game, I still believe it is time for a change of scenery and I believe I may not be alone in this belief. Feel free to develop, add to the idea or even if you do not like the idea tell me why and I’ll see if I can change it.


Um… When the game came out there were only 5 classes mate. I haven’t even been playing for a year and I know that.

Please put some stats and other information about your class if you want this idea to get taken seriously.



instantly broken af

(also hardest class? pfft try ninja sumtime)


Ninja isn’t that hard with max def and decent heal on your pet, and it has high dps for its range plus pierce. Trix is the hardest class to play in my opinion.

Anyway, even without pets it’s still broken. Massive dps, damaging ability, and no set rebuff at all.


I guess in your definition, one year is 3 days and 16 hours…


I mean, that account could be an alt (I doubt it tho)

Watch him suddenly hide his realmeye.


yes it is alt


Pls add stats weapon details and ability effect. This is just a thought at the moment. Add some extra info to your post and complete it. For the moment moving to #ideas:wip

Move back when you have this idea fleshed out


Then what is the name of your main/ 1st account?



Trix has the most dps at its range, being the dagger class with the highest att!
Its also the most mobile class is the game, having an instant teleport with no cooldown for only 60 mp!
Its actually stronk!
Its actually fast!
How is it hard to play?


I find the prism to be useless in most situations because teleport alone isn’t that useful and the decoy is very hard to use effectively. Having a situational ability makes it bad compared to classes with abilities that are almost always useful. Of course, this is my personal opinion, others with different playstyles that can use the decoy effectively may like trickster.


The sprite needs a bit of work, currently the character is a couple pixels too thin, and color choice/shading should be taken into consideration.


Well with DSwords it gets much easier. It still is a slightly underpowered class but it isn’t exactly “bad.”


I have that prism, and find it to be even more useless that tiered ones. Teleportation is the one part of trix’s ability I can sort of use.


I mean walking backwards and then throwing a decoy forward sounds pretty damn good to me.


I didn’t know you could do that xd. I’ve spent at most like an hour playing trix versus an average of like 20-30 on the others, which is probs why I suck at it. Trix is boring.


It is SO GOD DAMN BORING without proper skills…


Shading is off on the sprite.

And the ablity just looks to me like a glass cannon, not really creative but meh. Maybe do the same thing with Ninja, hold it down to gain power.


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