Enchantment Orb needs rework


Ah, maybe 3% then earns a white bag :stuck_out_tongue: whatever makes sense :slight_smile:

I didn’t actually do any checking, hopefully they even already have this rule when deciding what makes a white bag vs a cyan!


some people aren’t as good as consistently aiming correctly, many people can’t attempt to curse without stasising 50% of the time.

I don’t understand why you want it to be changed so much, both of the white bags from that dungeon suck, they aren’t supposed to be great items you farm for, they’re semi-uncommon whitebags that would help out a new player, maybe even introduce them to the idea of a white bag.


Thats just it, though. You CAN do the exact same thing, but to achieve that outcome, you have to do something different. If you want to stasis, you have to get in close vs staying far back. It does change the way you play, albeit slightly.


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