Endgame specific white bags idea


I put my stuff on google docs cuz its ez for me C:

I made this cuz thought it would be cool to have as an option in game for exalt.


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Judging the from “/edit” in the back of the URL, I see you just copied and pasted the edit page. What you have to do is click the blue “Share” button (top right) and click “Get shareable link” (top right of the pop-up). A link will be generated and you’ll be able to use that. Make sure that “Anyone with the link” is set to “View” or “Comment” to ensure safety for the document!


I forgot, my b


Well, the problem with your concept is that white bags are universal. Every endgame dungeon having their own white bag variety would ruin the traditional feel, as well as just confuse people.


The idea would be an option to have the enabled, so if u wanted to you can have it off.


I mean, now that they all have their own chest, why not?


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