Epic Snake Pit - City of The Snakes


City of The Snakes

The Epic version of Snake Pit

(Two dungeon ideas in a week, TannerLG?
I basically abandoned the Space Ship idea because it was too bland, and I’m positive destroying walls inside of a spaceship would probably lead to the air getting sucked out and your heads exploding… So yeah.)


Similar to a Snake Pit, however to prevent rushers, certain walls will be unbreakable until the monsters that spawn in the room they’re in are defeated.
Contains water pools and quicksand.


Natural Medusa
HP: 2000
DEF: 18

- 100 Damage -7 tiles/sec - 14 range
- 100 (50 less than the Godlands version) Damage - 8 Range - 4 Radius - Cooldown 6s (double the Godlands version’s cooldown)

Fire Snake
HP: 1000
DEF: 24

- 50 Damage - 3 tiles/sec - 6 range - Ignores Defense.


Stheno the Snake Queen
HP: 75000
DEF: 50
Phase 1 - HP 100%~75%
Phase 2 - HP 75%~25%
Phase 3 - HP 25%-0%
Will remain onscreen in a thessal-like-“does king alexander still live”-position to say final words.

- 150 Damage - 7 tiles/sec - 10.5 range - Piercing - Shots fired amount/variation depends on phase (if 1 or 2, 4 medusa-like shots, if 3, 4 shots going outwards towards the 4 corners of the room).
- 50 Damage - 7 tiles/sec - 10.5 range - Piercing - Inflicts Bleed - 3 Shots - Used when Phase 2 starts
- 250 Damage - 2 Range - 2 Radius - Cooldown 10s - Inflicts Stasis (or Petrify) - Used when phase 2 starts and throughout phase 2.

“You… I remember you! You caused me to be exiled from my own kingdom!”
“I was the proud Queen of the place you uncivilized swine called a “Snake Pit”!”
“Unlucky for you, I met a stunning snake prince, Cobra!”
“Now, he and I rule as King and Queen!”
“I know why you’re here, mortals. You want to reproduced the horrible events of my former kingdom!”
“I won’t allow it! Cobra, my love, empower me with your strength!” - Phase 1 Starts
"Medusas, aid me!" - 4 Medusas spawn within the 4 corners of the room Stasised for 5 seconds, then begin moving.
“Medusas! My sisters! YOU’LL PAY FOR THEIR DEATHS!” - When all 4 are dead - Phase 2 will begin
"You think you’re the superior Mystic, [random player who is of the mystic class]!? Watch me petrify you and your friends into adorable stone statues!" - used at the start of Phase 2 if a Mystic is in the dungeon. Otherwise a different phrase will be used.
“Watch me petrify you into adorable stone statues!” - used at the start of Phase 2 if no Mystic is in the dungeon.
“THAT’S IT! DIE!” - Start of Phase 3 - will rush players using her 4 outward shot attack, used when the player is near her.
“No! I’m… dying… my blood… is gushing out…”
“Cobra… I love you… to the bitter end…”
"Please… forgive me… for my failure…"
Spd Pot
Mana Pot
Wand of Bulwark
Snakeskin Shield
Snakeskin Armor
Snake Eye Ring


Cobra the Snake King
HP: 225000
DEF: 55
- 250 Damage - 7 tiles/sec - 10.5 range - Piercing - Inflicts Bleeding - 1 Shot.
- 6 Shots in 6 directions - 50 damage each - 10 tiles/sec - 12 range - Piercing - Inflicts Sick and Silenced
- 300 Damage - 10 tiles/sec - 12 range - Piercing - Inflicts Bleeding.
“So, you have arrived, you damned murderers…”
“My beloved Stheno, she was so young and beautiful…”
“We had hundreds of millions of children together…”
“I shall avenge my Queen’s death…”
“Humans! Protect thyself!” Phase 1 Begins
"Taste my Sword’s Venom!" - During Phase 1 and 2 - He will attempt to attack players using his sword.
"[total players killed by him] down, [players left] to go!" - Mocks a player’s death if a player dies during Phases 1 and 2.
“Hmph. Impressive. Let’s see you handle this…” Phase 2 Begins
"Medusas, assist your king!" - During Phase 2 - Similar to Stheno’s Medusa reinforcement, 2 Medusas will spawn stasis’d for 5 seconds when this taunt is used.
“Oryx, the king of kings, god of gods, empower me with your strength!” - Phase 3 will begin - stops using the 1st attack in trade for the 3rd attack.
“DIE!” - Phase 3 begins - Will randomly attack at players with his attacks. If he becomes invulnerable during this time and a player attacks him, he will attack back aiming the player’s directions.
“KILL… KILL… MUST KILL HUMANS…” - Used During Phase 3 - kudos if you know what game this comment is based off of.
“COBRA… I AM COBRA! I AM COBRA, KING OF DEATH!” - Used During Phase 3.
“I cAn NoT dIe… i Am A GoD! NOOOOOO!!!” - Death
Life Pot
Mana Pot
Def Pot
(To-Do: Equipment)


Sounds good! Is there a sprite for “Cobra the Snake King”?


Slightly lower cobra’s damage, even for an epic dungeon 450 is too much especially if it induces bleeding too.

Looks good otherwise, maybe change Stheno’s drops to buffed versions of the cyans.


450 is a bit too much, yeah. I might change the 300 to 150, and make 450 to 300.


Not really. I want to depend on the community for that one. :slight_smile:


What original sprites you have there


Well- you see- I uh- one thing I should-
Excuse me for a moment.


I like it.


your MEASLY idea has nothing on the BEST EPIC SNAKE PIT idea of ALL TIME, found on reddit, THE SITE for quality posts

in serious criticism, all i really have to say about the dungeon is that it’s not specific enough in describing phases, besides for ones that technically already exist. you should specify specifically which bullets are being shot in which phase. cobra especially seems highly simplistic - it has only 3 real phases, and lack of diversity amongst them.

also more specifics on the bullets - you forgot to add durations to the status effects.

now for some random “lore” bits that im just gonna question:

why is it lucky for the player lol

wait stheno holds two blades, she can’t be a mystic


why is he laughing and what exactly is happening here i’m confused






idea 8/10
concept 1.1/10
items 0/10
boss 3/10
enemies 1/10
quotes 0/10

overall great Job. but try reworking on it.


insert hentai-related comment here

Medusa in Rome myth could easily petrify (stasis) people using her face. Perhaps a sprite edit to change her face might work.

Should be ‘protect thyself’. Thanks for pointing it out.

I probably should explain why.
He asked Oryx for his power in order to have the strength to kill the humans.
He received the strength, at a cost.
If you ever played Earthbound and saw Giygas, it’s kind of like that.
At this point, his mind is no more - basically, his mind is fueled by Oryx’s hatred.
His laughter is the representation of his mind becoming undone, into an insane amusement.

I had no fetish intent there-


cold and hot.


Thank you for the constructive criticism. Honestly I thought the quotes were really good, as well as the boss and concept… but to be fair, I deserve the 1/10 on enemies and 0/10 on items as neither really exists yet.


Snake pit: the novel


Cobrameo and Sthenoliet
Written by TannerLG


I agree


try reworking on everything. making a concept on a new dungeon is a hard one.



City of snakes sounds too lame and childish

How about…