Equipment stats not comparing correctly [now fixed]


edit: fixed, this is what broke it


All positive stats are shown as green.



edit: also green for already equipped


Trivial Issues Thread

Same goes for items that are already equipped, it seems.
Weird thing.


(moved this into its own topic)

If anyone isn’t understanding, the green should only be showing when an item has a better stat than the one you’re currently wearing, red for worse and yellow? for equal.

The bug now is that it shows green for these stats regardless (eg. Breastplate should show red for +12 Defense because that’s worse than the equipped Dominion Armor).


Any item vs minor def

+1 def


I was going to make a thread about this if there wasn’t one already.
It seems to apply specifically to added stats. Shots, damage and fame compare correctly.


It actually seems to have been like this for a while, not just from the most recent patch.
I was looking into this out of curiosity last night and found a screenshot in some Discord channel (I don’t have it saved and don’t remember when it was taken) back in around early February where the issue was present. So it might have been introduced a while back and no one noticed it until now.

disregard I honestly think I’m going senile

It seems to only affect the On Equip field, all other fields properly show the red text.


No, it was definitely from the patch on the 19th.

Mask disguise effect still works [now fixed]

This bug appears to have been patched in today’s X.32.7.0 update, though not mentioned in the patch notes, naughty naughty.

At least all the descriptions I’ve seen in-game today look correct but I’ll leave it 24 hours before locking in case there’s something else overlooked and still bugged. Edit: re-reading what @Niegil wrote in OP this should be fixed across the board, so locking now.


Patched in X.32.7.0.