Event chest! such struggles! (haallppp me!)


so currently until sept 1 the event chest spawns in davys, shatters and ots. i have done about 40 davys and still no chests but i have done them all alone. is it maybe a thing that it only spawns if more then 1 person is there? if so ill cry but please tell <3


I don’t know why but yesterday are guild we in Davys and as soon as we got in the boss room there was no chest and the boss died after 3 seconds… Is it a glitch does anyone know why??

Event ended too early?

from what i know the chest spawn has a low rate of spawning but after 40 im getting preaty confused.


Yah sound like it


Such is the nature of RNG.


FIFY [quote=“BMJ, post:5, topic:817, full:true”]
Such is the nature of RNGesus.


Chest Spawn Rate is Around 1/100…or even less


done countless trenches, davys and shatters, not a single chest yet, it’s pure luck


Then there’s Booyahman who got 3+ -_-


Yeah think im about to kick that lucky expletive er

Do we know how long the chest are around for?


Doo it! Until Sept 1.


my friends and I have done about 20 Davy keys, no chests. as a group we have done about 30 trenches and almost that number of davys in the wild but still no luck


I’ve seen 2 chests now in about 100 dungeons, ot, djl and shats combined, so yeah. To answer your question, it spawning is not tied to the number of people present.


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