Every Server is Full [Seems Fixed Now]


I liked this comment only due to the fact that this truly feels like a 10/10 essay.


Word of advice for the future to everybody who freaked out because of this: learn to assess the situation.

The two SwatSec incidents were a problem because there was actual hacking involved: he found a vulnerability and exploited it to get access and privileges.

For a number of reasons (namely that Deca don’t have their own forums and that Bert is a dumbass), what happened this weekend was some sort of DDoS attack, which is basically dumb bruteforcing.

SwatSec completely humiliated Kabam and made the game shut down for a while (can’t remember how long exactly, but I think we’re talking at least days, if not weeks). Bert can barely keep it down for a day and didn’t really gain anything from it.

In case of attacks such as this one, just keep calm and wait it out. That way, the attacker just keeps wasting time and money trying to keep the game down while you’re not losing anything.


I see your point, and it makes sense. However, the way they acted during the incident still seemed unprofessional to me, and the fact that they made an announcement afterwards doesn’t cover the lack of it during the incident. I will now repeat some of my points from one of the reddit comments, but we didn’t know if they were working on a fix or even aware of the problem at all, they have been literally silent the whole weekend! It’s not just the acknowledging the problem that I wanted to see the most, I wanted to know when servers will become accessible again, and not sitting near my pc unsuccessfully trying to log in to claim the daily rewards. No, they never told to the public that they are actually working on the solution. Instead we got a blatant statement from /r/RotMG mods “It’ll be fixed soon enough so stop posting about it.” and then even a better one from discord mods “The work day is over by now. Don’t expect server to be up till after the weekend, and if it does come up during the weekend then be happy.” Both these announcements were based on nothing, and led people into a lot of confusion, providing false expectations, rumors and speculations. It even got worse when people started spreading more rumors, like “Deca did nothing, the hacker was just taking a break” and “A duper paid hacker 128 deca rings so it would stop attacking the servers”.

All of that could have been easily eliminated with the proper communication, which Deca failed as usual. It takes 5 minutes to make an official statement, and every self-respecting company does that when their service becomes unavailable.


Would you rather have the temp team typing a reddit response or fixing the issue?

Is their PR guy even working on weekends?


Playing Devil’s advocate here:

-it would have been foolish of them to publicly declare when the servers would be back online before having assessed the problem and attempted to fix it. Making promises they didn’t know they would be able to keep would have made the situation even worse and made them look even less professional.

-I might be wrong on this, but I don’t think you need to collect the rewards immediately as long as you logged in to the game at least once per day. Simply getting to the main menu should count even if you never connected to a nexus, then you can collect them any time during the month.

With that being said, and understanding the reasons why they might want to communicate as little as possible until they have something to show for it, I still agree with you that they’d have gained from making an announcement sooner, if only to acknowledge the problem and tell everyone they’re already working on it.


There were two of them???
The oryx in nexus one and what else?


It doesn’t require a special person to write down and post one sentence on Reddit, it takes 5 minutes, if not less. Any available dev should have been able to do it, it’s not rocket science.

The issue started happening 5 PM CET Friday, still during their working hours. They still should have been at work.

I never claimed that I expected them to estimate the exact time till they fix it, they could just let everyone know that they are aware of the problem and are working on the solution. That would have been enough.

You are correct, this is true for most days of the month. Unless it’s the last day of rewards, and the only way to collect them is to load into nexus and visit tinkerer’s cave - which was the case this time. Some people can’t afford to spend the whole day around the PC trying to log in, and I’m sure that a lot of players missed some of the login rewards because they weren’t able to claim them - Deca never said any word about that/mentioned any compensation for these people. I personally still managed to get in, but I lost a lot of free time trying to do it - which could have been saved if I knew that Deca was actually trying to fix stuff and kept checking one official post and not a lot of misinformation posted in discord/Reddit/forums.


Pretty sure that happened twice. First time was back when the WS forums were still up and used by Kabam as the official RotMG forums (which turned out to be a great idea since it’s thanks to a vulnerability in the forum software that SwatSec managed to get in), second time was when we were on the Kabam forums on the Kabam website proper.

As I said at the end of my previous post: on that we agree.

You know, if it’s too much of a bother you could have just not done it and then asked Deca to compensate you for those items.


Spoilt gamer gang rise up


The official RotMG Discord did announce that the servers were back up and that the exploit had been patched on Saturday (at least Saturday in my timezone). The exploit being patched implies that someone at Deca was actively working on deploying fixes… it’s really unfortunate that still so many people were claiming that Deca was doing absolutely nothing that day despite the announcement. It would have been a lot better if Deca did announce anything themselves, though, for sure.

Additionally, throughout the entire incident we were making announcements regarding the servers being back up and when they went back down, as long as it wasn’t some “guys EUWest is working right now!!” and 5 minutes later it doesn’t kind of thing that people would often be trying to get into the servers during. They just weren’t fully up for very long, for most of Friday and Saturday the servers were completely down/full.

And for what it’s worth, there was an apology for the lack of communication. I’m not one to just trust blindly and I believe actions always speak much louder than words, so I think the future will show if they are just saying it to save face or if they do realize the gravity of their decision and will make a change for the better.

(Disclaimer: I did know a bit more than the average player about what was going on behind the scenes and so I had confidence that the issue was being worked on and that it would be resolved. I think that without knowing what I did, and just going off of the Discord announcements at best, and massive confusion and misinformation and panic, I would have had a lot less hope.)


It certainly couldn’t have done much PR-harm to give out the 30th June reward freely to everyone, or to say they would look at claims via support ticket if you missed it but had enough days logged up til then, I mean it was only a 1000fp pet skin, so something of practically 0 cashvalue but would’ve got people in a happymood rather than Decabashmood.

If you’re doing the campaign, the compensation pack is good, but if you aren’t, and missed your claim because of the disruption, you can feel rightly aggrieved since Deca set up this login system which relies on players logging in every single day, so to not facilitate that via other means, is on them. (And again why it’d be better if the final days in a month were grace days/low rewards, with the peak rewards somewhere around 25th.)


so this happened again


bert is back


dam bert again and he said he will do this for the whole week




the long awaited sequel, “bert strikes back”


he’s streaming it too…


For real?


whats his channel


yes lmao