Everything about Realmeye Formatting


I’ll share some formatting I use, because some people steal it anyways.

box text
Done from <kbd> in front.

hover over text that can only be seen on a computer, you hover over the dotted text and it shows stuff.
Done by <abbr title=“this is the text you see when you hover over”>this is the regular text.</abbr>

biggest text you can do now
While you used to be able to stack <big> multiple times to get really big text, you cant do that anymore.
Now the biggest you can do is <big><font size=10> big text here.

Usually only one blank line shows up, even if you press enter multiple times. If you do <br>, it adds a blank line.

Clean showing code. If you’ve noticed, I haven’t had to use the ugly looking code like this to show what <text in brackets looks like>. I did this by putting a backslash before.
Like this \<code thing>


its not stealing its liberation


Is is possible to add links to other parts of your post with a HTML heading, or possibly to quote my own post so that it links to it? For example, would it be possible to set up a link HERE that would link to the text at the bottom of my post, so that people can jump to different parts of a post? Preferably, I’d like for this to work within the details tab, so that I can link to something hidden in the details. Is this possible?


Link to text inside of here

Link to here








<code thing>? Hmm ok, weird name. I find it easier to use tick marks


If you try to post something in all caps, the forums wont let you. They’ll say “Body incomplete, is this a complete sentence?”
You can get around that by adding bracket text after. Fr example


will not post, but


will, and it will just show the original word.


How do I return the text size to normal in a post after changing the size for example, to small?
If I try to make it it is bigger than the rest of the text.


You have to use a closing tag at the point where you want that formatting to end. This closing tag always uses a slash /

So after <small> you do </small> to end the small text
after <big> you do </big> to end the big text

As an aside,
This is why people use /s as a joke to show sarcasm, it evolved from </sarcasm> and </s> as a fake closing tag at the end of a sarcastic comment, but because the < and > get lost due to formatting, people just write /s.


Oh wow, didn’t know that.


ok thanks
i never knew that.
now i do :slight_smile:


<not neccesarily>
But it is probably a less known thing to do. I like using escape characters now

\<backslash before>
Or if you have punctuation it wont hide


I’ve been using that for a long time, it’s very useful.


Hi hi hi hi


Check out the quoting guide in the first post in this thread. :wink:


How do I make text extra extra small? Rn I can only do <font size=1>


idk you tell me


u can use <.small> as many times as u want. For example, 8 sizes down looks like

And u use <./small> to bring the size back up


NB: must be spelled without the period, so like this: <small>

(The trick to it not hiding that is by placing a “\” just in front of it. This disables the formatting of the word that comes after it)