Exalt Music Posted on Bandcamp


There are 14 tracks posted as of now, with more planned to be added. You can buy a digital copy of the music or just listen to it freely on Bandcamp itself. The link is here. What’s does everyone think?


Didn’t listen to them all fully, just a brief listen to get the feel and I like what I hear. Gives a nostalgic feeling for some reason listening to them and I think it will go well with the game.


from what I’ve heard it’s all really good

is there any difference between what’s on Bandcamp and what’s on youtube?

Youtube link if it’s more conventient for anyone


What is exalt music?


RotMG Exalt is what Deca has named their unity remake of the game. They plan on adding new soundtracks and game sounds which is currently being made by @WangleLine and Aiden Strozzi.


Some of the tracks on YouTube are a bit outdated and are currently being replaced with the newer verisons, which are already available on bandcamp!


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