F2P Bard Campaign [progress]




It’s very possible to get 2500 points a day, even without doing discord runs (~24-25 o2s a day)

The constant DCs, however, make this a lot harder than it should be.

3800 here, aiming for 4.5-5k today


At about 1k sigh


As of this post here, 588. I’m just currently bored of the game and I really don’t want to have to grind so many dungeons. This is kinda ridiculous for someone casual like me. Probably won’t bother with this campaign :sleeping_bed:


my only goal is to get the free backpack. more is just for fun, grinding isn’t.


Around 800-ish. I’ve missed a bunch of Oryxes - be it due to time constraints, being too stubborn and finishing Janus, or soloing a Nest.


Less than 1st reward. Don’t have much time to play and the DC issues are stopping me from doing bosses.


Downgraded to flash because exalt is barely playable, played a bit and have around 1200 now. tbh i just want st chest



I dunno dude, ppl regard me as a hardcore realm player but I just can’t farm this at the rate necessary to make up the final reward. At best I’ll make it to the character slot unlocker.


As of this post, 12K. I know @PhantomMod had at least 14K earlier.


Its very possible. I missed the first day of the campaign and Im on 8k points at the moment. Its possible to get the entire set in under a week tbh


just hit 2k7, I’m not looking for the bard set, but would be nice to achieve at least the char slot (not sure if I’ll make it) :roll_eyes:


rn i have 8k points f2p


About 500. I’m just frankly not going to bother, I’ve disconnected in half my Oryx runs. The game experience just isn’t fun enough to grind this, especially for the stupid hours your expected to grind to get the final tier.


0, im not playing right now





This is back to the good old days of promoting playing Realm for 12 hours a day…


i hate myself more than you could possibly imagine right now

