Fame Train Gamemode


I think that there should be a separate game mode where players can fame train without having to wait in order to enter a realm. The realms would be different from normal realms because there will be no event bosses and the realm will never close. This would be a huge benefit to players who need to get their fame up to feed pets, for a fame box, for a guild, and even to help to get on the legends board, since most people don’t want to wait to enter a realm. Tell me what you all think about this, I would appreciate and feed back and I don’t mind if you call this idea stupid and retarded.


I’m speechless


Stop making these posts please. You just made one about increasing the max number of players in a realm. Fame training isn’t a supported aspect of this game and it never should be. People do it, whatever, fine, you’re free to. But the game should not accommodate it.


The only type of server that needs it’s own space is a trading server… although DECA is removing trading slowly so we won’t have to worry about it.




Where is the downvote button on this website


We should also have a game mode where its just the tutorial because I hate typing that in


There should be a game mode which just gives everyone a white star and a max pet without doing anything


there should also be a gamemode where everyone gets maxed divine pets and any ut they want


Why not just go for a gamemode where you just insta-kill anything in 1 shot from the get-go?


hell why not just add godmode and admin swords for everyone


Can we stop with this?
This isn’t a forum game.


I really hope you dont

This is stupid and retarded

Fame trainers are nothing but a nuisance

Why try to help them? Might as well just give them free fame.


I think that there should be a separate game mode where players can PPE without having to wait for guildmates to pop keys. The realms would be different from normal realms because there will be no trading and all bosses will be stunnable. This would be a huge benefit to players who need to PPE to rebuild, for PPE luck, for bragging rights, and even to help to get subscribers on YouTube, since most people can’t wait for another PPE video. Tell me what you all think about this, I would appreciate and feed back and I don’t mind if you call this idea stupid and retarded.


I can’t even give constructive criticism to this its simply a bad idea and I ALWAYS try to give actual constructive ideas to what someone has said [quote=“Dieyougods, post:1, topic:12449”]
don’t mind if you call this idea stupid and retarded.
You said it best


Hey I thought it was a good idea.



Just add more space in realm, Fame training isnt meant to be a thing anyways.

And @Curiousb If it should never exist, then this game wouldnt be Co-op.
There are literally 2 Co-op Things in this game…

Fame Trains and Guilds. Thats it.


The realm does not need more space! Events get steamrolled as it is.

I didn’t say fame training shouldn’t exist- please take the time to read. It should just not be accommodated for.


Ofcourse it shouldnt, but if it didnt exist this game shouldnt be called Co-op xD.

More Space + more Event Hp. And Sphinx / Hermit need a rework… same with rock dragon.


This is a awful argument, the game is inherently co-op exp is shared, and we do dungeons together, people are just greedy assholes.

you can’t take a thing the players decided to make themselves and say if it wasn’t there that the game shouldn’t be called co-op.