Fame-train servers?


Hey, I’ve been looking for fame-train discord servers but haven’t had any luck finding one. Can anyone recommend me one and pass me the server?
Thanks, ArielArnal


it’s called the parasite den event


fame rush or EUN2.1 are examples but they aren’t doing trains right now because of MOTMG.


fame rush will be re starting trains after the fame dungeon events


Discord containing links to other rotmg discords.



Eun2.1 is almost done
There is Max 30 players who want to do trains and not everyone come to server


It is only because of the event white drop rates doubled as now realms are being closed super fast. Too fast to get a train going. It is also why other train discords are down during this event.


When parasite den event


Sorc train


I see, thanks to everyone!


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