FatherOzai's Charity bank


Imma just keep it because I died with about 5-6 decas worth of shit on my knight


Alrighty, gl remaxing and I hope it helps : )



Only about 134 life pots left boys


Can i have some pots?


Sure, When might you be available?


well, im on rn


ussw keys? : )




Im online now, can meet whenever you want


ussw keys <3




yw happy realming! <3

Edit: image life left, supplies running out quickly.


Sorry maybe I right clicked your name in chat and tapped block instead of whisper… sorry


I’ll take some; guildmate wants em


He FatherOzai, thanks for doing this and helping out bad maxers (like myself) I love to see people giving back to the community!


Bad maxers like yourself? Are you insinuating you’d like to redeem your share of charity? :eyes:


lol tysm you’re a god <3


people’s greed know’s no bounds lmao


Greetings DaddyOzai,

Can you send a few life my way :kissing_cat: