Favorite classes?


#1 trickster - the uniqueness and energy associated with this class just makes it extremely enjoyable for me
#2 the other ones - pretty even on how often I play them and how much I like them. Necro and pally at the top of this
#3 rogue - I hate this class. Extremely boring and I never have fun while playing this class. No appeal to me at all.



  1. Necro. I love the long range of the staff combined with the healing. I do like priest, but I prefer the staff to the wand. Heā€™s my second most played class, but my favorite

  2. Assassin. Yeah, assassin. Heā€™s my my most played class. 1 and 2 are very close to me, but necro just barely beats him out(partly because of malus skull sprite) I have no idea why I like assassin so much, but its just so fun to run around super fast, and shoot super fast. Also, I love the poison against enemies that can be rather hard to hit, such as O2 in his new phases, or Totalia in Halloween when she spawned near cyclops god castle. Heā€™s just fun imo.

  3. Priest. As mentioned, I like the long safe range and healing. However, the priestā€™s dps is just so low with the wand and low dex.

  4. Sorcerer. Sorc is fun. Heā€™s actually one of my favorite classes to ppe on. One of his greatest fualts is that the 75 vit takes so damn long to max. Also, I canā€™t seem to keep my sorcerers alive for too long. Up until Thursday, it has always annoyed me that my sorcs would eitehr die with 100> fame, or between 375 and 400. I finally gotmy third star on sorc, just by running lh. I do generally prefer staves over wands (necro 4 lyfe) but I find the sorc more fun than wizzy.

  5. Wizard. Despite having long range like sorc priest and necro, I just donā€™t enjoy wizzy as much. He has crazy dps, but just like sorc, I cannot keep my wizards alive for too long. I can generally max spd or dex, sometiems both, but die at 1 or 2/8. I just donā€™t play wizard that often. I feel much more comfortable on necro, with necroā€™s healing ability, despite his lower dex. Wizzy is ok imo.

  6. Huntress. I actually rarely played huntress at all until recently. I was chatting in discord with my guild fonder, and we were talking about skins. He said his most wanted skin was Misery Ghost Bride, and I noticed that I have it unlocked. So I sent a screenshot of it with the caption flex, and he kinda got mad. Anyway, I died on I believe a necro soon after, and thought heck, my not use my misery skin. I made it a ppe, and got pretty far with it, even managing to get my thrid ever cbow on her. She died to one of o2s exploding suns.

  7. Archer. While almost identical to Huntress and generally considered superior, I prefer Huntress. I think itā€™s just that Iā€™m not very good at aiming the quiver, so despite it being considered to be better than the trap, due to damage, mp cost, and status effect, I prefer a slightly inferior ability that I can comfortable it stuff with. Also archer doesnā€™t have misery ghost bride skin

  8. Ninja. I like the speedy ability and long range the star has. When I got my first ray, I thought Ill try ninja, why not? And I enjoyed it. I didnā€™t love it, but I didnā€™t find him to be aggravating to play, like some other classes that 'll rant about later. Iā€™m probbaly just going to keep him on the bench for a while.

  9. Samurai. The waki is a neat ability, I like it. My biggest problem with samu is that he has almost no long range damage(unless u use krathana) I am not a huge fan of the classes with lower range(if you were paying attention, all the classes ranked above have potential to damage from range)

  10. Mystic. Alright, I just said that I like ranged classes. Mystic uses staff. which is ranged, I just donā€™t play her. I thik iā€™ve played mystic like 3 or 4 times. When I first got her, when I got my first mwoods orb, and another time just for fine. I can say that sheā€™s not boring to play, but I was turned off from her when I got a -7 dex roll, resulting in like 22 at lvl 20. mwoods orb is a fun orb to use, and I have a couple, so once I max my current class(assassin) on dex, Ill run more sprites to get more to ut on my pots mule and give her another try.

  11. Trix. All the dagger classes are similar, having the same cap for def dex spd. I donā€™t rlly notice the differences of the other stats too much, so I compare dagg classes based on abilities. Let me say this right now: I love the prisms. Teleportation is super fun. The decoy, however, I find is difficult to consistently use effectively, especially considering what I mentioned when talking about archer:iā€™m not great at the game. And trix doesnā€™t have long range damage capablilities(ok maybe some UTprisms, which I have never gotten any of) which sadly puts her close to the bottom to me. Itā€™s a shame because the prisms are so fun. Now I know what u guys are thinking: Tri, get good at the game. Thats something that I will need to do if trix is going to get higher up on this list.

  12. Rogue. Iā€™m just not good at the game. tahtā€™s the only reason rogue is so low. Also, I find prism much fro fun than cloak(yes plane does exist and its easily the most common white for me) Iā€™ve tried to play rogue several times, but Iā€™ve never been able to do the mental cloak timer well. I end up uncloaking near a whole lot of dangerous, and then my autone-***. Wait, I never said anything. I end up nexuses cuz Im sacred or I die. I just canā€™t get the hang of rogue the like I did with assassin.

***This is a joke. I donā€™t hack and I donā€™t have autonexus. You can loo at my graveyard if you want. I know that some of you are still gonna think I have autonexus just cuz of this joke, and I guess I canā€™t stop u from thinking that.

  1. Paladin. If you caught my little note at samu, youā€™d probably know taht the 3 melees would be my bottom 3. Really weird Realmer here. Assassin almost my favorite class, and the 3 melees at the bottom? Iā€™d imagine people be like Tri: WTF are you on? Answer: nothing. (Back on topic, Tri, back on topic) I like pallyā€™s buffing ability, and when Iā€™m in a group, Pally is the class that I want most in that group. I find him to be rather fun, but with the short range, my lack of skill at the game, and relative squishiness until about halfway to max def, I find it hard to enjoy him. He just seems frustrating to play, as I play long range classes which I can almost always hit my enemies. Pally isnā€™t like that. His ability is fun to play with, but I find it dfficult to get def to a point where playing him is actally not scary. Tri, get a farming char. I have 2 char slots. And 2 vaults. And im f2p. I have enough ut items to the oint where I use my second class as 20 item storage, 4 for the class it is, 8 in inv and 8 in bp.

  2. Warrior. Basically what I whined about in the pallyā€™s analysis. I probably shouldnā€™t put that in pallyā€™s analysis, as heā€™s a good class and that just seems to drag him down, but heā€™s the highest melee on this list so I feel like I should get it out of the way as soon as possible. Anyway, warrior is fun, once his def is high enough, which I canā€™t really do cuz I suck.(TRI GET GUD. OR GET A FARMING CHAR.) Reread pally analysis if u didnt get my I donā€™t have a farming char. Anyway, the speedy is mostly useful for getting to event gods or glands in a new realm. Beserk is alos fun, but what good is a higehr rate of fire going to do against some enemies(namely o2) taht your too scared to get close to to hit. Tri, get a csword or A.S.S. Or just some skill. Anyway, I refuse to play melee without A.S.S or csword. WIth enough def, warrior, and in fact warrior and pally, are 3 and 4 for meā€¦ except in one case

  3. Knight. WTF TRI WHAT ARE YOU ON KNIGHT IS ONE OF THE MOST OP CLASSES IN THE GAME. WHY IS RANKED AT THE ABSOLUTE BOTTOM Yeah, if ur good enough to get high def(which I have never been able to do) I would absolutely say knight would probably be above everything but assassin and necro,which is the one case pally and warr with good def would not be 3 and 4, they would be 4 and 5. The knightā€™s stun is great, but Iā€™ve whined about range and mentioned my low skill several times. Youtubers have said that night is a no skill class, but I would disagree when it means u have to ge all the pots on your knight. With a farming char to get def to make knight tanky at the start, I can absolutely see him beeing no skill. And for the shield, the range is so low that Iā€™m not too comfortable stunning stromger enemies unless someone else goes in, namely in LH, or o2. Most dungeon bosses, Limon, stheno, septavius, malphas, Iā€™m comfortable stunning easy enemies like those. Basically, the melees are at the bottom cuz im not good enough at the game to max them to a point where I find them usable.

Basically, numbers 1 and 2 are sin and necro
Iā€™m not great at the game, more range=higher ranking(in most cases)
Melees with good def are 3,4,5
Melees with bad def are 13, 14, 15
Most abilities are fun
Abilities determine rankings of neck and neck classes(i.e. hunt vs archer, trix vs rogue, all the melees)


As a white star that has had all 8/8s for like 5 years and an almost maxed pet I have learned the in and outs of the classes. I have come to a in my mind ranking for people with good pets.

OP - These classes are the best classes when you can heal 90 every second. It keeps the game fast and you can rush things.


Great: These classes Ill play when im not using warrior or pally

Priest (with prot)

Average: May play every once in a while but normally not

Poor: These classes have almost no point to me except for clean tombs which I rarely do nowadays


Check out my graveyard to see the 100s of 6/8s i have died on.


Thorough response and nice reasons! I think you would be doing yourself a favour by trying mystic again, at least 6/8. She is a very good utility class.

Cheers, babe.


alright. Ill mae a mystic when my assassin dies


ive noticed something

no one fcking likes rogue for some reason, and for some reason 50% ~ people actually like assassin.


I dislike both of those classes since pets came out for assassin, and for rogue it was ruined when they made it so quiet uncloaked you ON TOP of adding a ridiculously long cool down time. :confused: I hate that that was what they decided to do, they ruined a great class and I just canā€™t support that so I refuse to play it a lot.


Iā€™ll compare them in groups, based on similarity.

Dagger classes: i like all of them a lot, abilites are awesome.
Bow classes: i prefer huntress with ctrap > archer, i like the aoe.
Katana: ninja is fun and ranged ability means it can be ranged if needed. samurai isnt as fun for me yet.
Staff: Wizard > mystic > necro for me. like them all decently.
Wand: priest > sorc. priest is top tier for me, sorc is fine.
Sword: all are pretty good, maybe pally > knight > warrior


Necro? eww
Assassian? Eww
Warrior> Pally as soon as you get a somewhat ok legendary pet to heal you.
Priest and Rouge are gud.
If you have a prot and refuse to lay priest, you either a) have a bad pet or b) is just a bad person or c) are autism.
These are just my opinions and mostly jokes, but the core ideas are my beliefs.


why not?




Same for me on the melees :wink:

  1. Trix. Love it for LH and can rush pretty much anything with it.
  2. Sorc. Just a generally fun class. I enjoy the devastation scepter.
  3. Warrior. Old standby. The one I have now is my oldest character and the first character Iā€™ve ever 8/8ed.
  4. Mystic. Love stasis, but I canā€™t keep them alive for the life of me.
  5. Priest. Fun times even without prot and puri.
  6. All the rest.


#1 Paladin
#2 Warrior
#3 Archer
#4 Knight
#5 Wizard
#6 Rogue
#7 Ninja
#8 Trickster
#9 Sorcerer
#10 Huntress
#11 Priest
#12 Assassin
#13 Necromancer
#14 Mystic
#15 Samurai

  1. Necromancer. Solid damage, heals, can slow and curse with the right UT skulls, or melt shit with ST set.
  2. Sorcerer. Like necromancer, but without the healing or curse, but still extremely fun.
  3. Priest. You can do so much with all the tomes, great fun.
  4. Huntress. AoE status effects.
  5. Assassin. A dagger class when I want it and a ranged class when I donā€™t.
  6. Trickster. Mundane knights arenā€™t a problem, and can tp so much which is fun and quick.
  7. Mystic. Orb is amazing ability, when used correctly, which means like once every 15 minutes or w/e, so meh. ST is great for rushing stuff though.
  8. Archer. Like huntress but no AoE, but daze is amazing.
  9. Paladin. Like necromancer, but a melee, so ew.
  10. Knight.
  11. Ninja. Like assassin, can run fastly, but not as fun because it uses katana instead of dagger, maybe, idrk.
  12. Warrior. Itā€™s useful in groups, but itā€™s melee.
  13. Rogue. Itā€™s fast.
  14. Wizard. Glass cannon. Jade storm is amazing.
  15. Samurai. Like wizard but it sucks.


#1 - Necromancer. - I love it because it has long range, high enough DPS, healing ability and a lot of health.
#2 - Knight. - Just because Itā€™s really tanky. I just love tanking everything that wonā€™t kill me! :slight_smile:
#3 - Trickster. - I know, it might sound weird, but trickster is just really good class, high dps, can teleport and decoy enemies. Probaly biggest minus of trix is being really squishy.
#4 - Paladin - I can heal myself really quickly. Probaly best teamwork class, increases both health and damage, which is really nice.
#5 - Wizard - High DPS class, I love dealing a lot of damage, however Itā€™s too squishy like trickster.
#6 - Huntress - I really love it. It can easly paralyze/slow hordes of enemies, which archer canā€™t do.
#7 - Sorcerer - Same as wizard. However with smaller DPS, and probaly being more squishy.
#8 - Warrior - Probaly most overrated class. Iā€™m just not big fan of it, even tho it has insanly big DPS.
#9 - Ninja - High DPS, really fast, however really squishy.
#10 - Mystic - Itā€™s really nice class if you know how to use your orb. However it has REALLY bad reputation.
#11 - Archer - Itā€™s just Huntress with worse ability.
#12 - Priest - Itā€™s really hard to learn how to use priest. Also I just donā€™t like classes that have no DPS.
#13 - Rogue - Basically trickster, however, it have invisibility instead of teleportation. (Until you have Planewalker, however waiting 6 seconds to teleport isnt best.)
#14 - Assasin - Can easly get soulbound on most enemies, however itā€™s just too squishy and itā€™s ability isnā€™t best iā€™ve seen.
#15 - Samurai - Itā€™s basically mix of ninja and knight, BUT it donā€™t have so much DPS, and Defense, which makes this class bad.

Everything above is just my opinion!


Jokes aside, its:

  1. Warrior
  2. Pally
  3. Wizard
  4. Samurai
  5. Archer
  6. Huntress
  7. Knight
  8. Trix
  9. Priest
  10. Sorc
  11. Assassin
  12. Ninja
  13. Necro
  14. Mystic
  15. Rogue


Omg itā€™s nick, make more videos :wink:

I like all the melee classes, wizard and archer.


a lot of them sort of get muddy in the middle so Iā€™m going to do something like Seelpitā€™s list:


sorcerer, especially with fulmi
ninja, especially with void blade

ones I like but arenā€™t quite as fun:

warrior with jugg, not a fan of tiered helms only

ones that are boring as heck but Iā€™ll still play occasionally:


the one thatā€™s boring as heck and I donā€™t play:


the ones I actually hate:



Necro as number one? Lol I see your argument but no way is necro the best class. And Priest is the worst class in the game? You OBVIOUSLY arenā€™t any good with the sacred beastly Priest LOLOLOLOL XD People always complain about Priest dps but hereā€™s some news for ya, DPS ISNā€™T EVERYTHINGā€¦ Iā€™ve gotten SO many white bags with Priest, including LH whites. If I can get white bags in a LH with 100 ppl, then you can too.