Favorite classes?


Hes not saying its the worst, just he hates it and it doesnt suit his playstyle at all.


I’m just gonna rank my classes, since I left everything in the middle out.

#1 trickster
#2 paladin
#3 necromancer
#4 sorceror
#5 ninja
#6 warrior
#7 archer
#8 knight
#9 assassin
#10 wizard
#11 mystic
#12 huntress
#13 samurai
#14 priest
#15 rogue


Look before you pass judgement.


Favorite doesn’t mean best.


That’s what I meant. He interpreted it to mean best, when he shouldn’t have. The

thing was directed at him.


oh shoot my bad lmfao :rofl:


if ya look at mine: assasin number 2. no way in hell that assassin is the best. hes just one of my favorites


Yeah. It’s all subjective, and everyone has their own opinions.


For making a new account necro and pally are the best


#1 Mystic
#2 Wand Classes (I find it to be a tie)
#4 Necromancer
#5 Wizard
#6 Archer
#7 Trickster
#8 Assassin/Huntress (another tie)
#10 Paladin
#11 Ninja
#12 Knight
#13 Warrior
#14 Rogue
#? Samurai (haven’t played it yet)


Going with Nameness’s format.

1# Assassin (Look at my Realmeye)
2# Samurai
3# Archer
4# Paladin
5# Priest
6# Warrior
7# Ninja
8# Sorcerer
9# Huntress
10# Knight
11# Necromancer
12# Wizard
13# Mystic
14# Trickster
15# Rogue

1# = I love this class
15# = This class is cancer to me


As a warrior main…

  1. Pally, I just love this class and for me sometimes is good for rushing because you able to heal and buff yourself.
  2. Ninja, the ability to deal high damage can be used to cheese several bosses and speedy buff from the stars are great for rushing events, as I like to rush to event sometimes.
  3. Necromancer, my favorite staff classes, the heals you get from one enemy is kinda decent but with multiple is great. I enjoy this class more than Wizard or Mystic.



  • Wizard
  • Rogue
  • Archer
  • Huntress
  • Samurai
  • Knight
  • Paladin
  • Warrior
  • Priest
  • Ninja
  • Necromancer
  • Mystic
  • Sorcerer
  • Trickster
  • Assasin

0 voters


Asking just “What is the best class (in general)?” is kind of subjective and broad. You’d probably want to be a bit more specific on what is the best class at doing something.

For the record though, perhaps the closest classes I’ve seen to be a great class in general are probably the warriors and the paladins. Not only are they usually used for soloing some of the hardest dungeons and bosses (eg. Shats and LH), but they are also equally as great in parties. The paladin also has a higher edge in survivability due to their healing capabilities, but the warrior has an extreme edge in terms of dishing out a large dps. In the end, it depends on the situation + equipment the player has + the player’s preferences.


I remember we had a situation similar to this a few months back, where people would argue all the time between whether priest or necro or paladin was better.

Let’s not.

These discussion CAN be good, but they rarely ever are.







I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again:


No one can say what is the best class in the game but we can tell you who class is broken. and to be fair any class do their job in party. rogue,archer,wizard,priest, knight, paladin, necromancer, huntress, mystic, sorcerer, trickster, samurai. even wizard & assassin do their job by dealting damage. if there was a best class they need to have the range of a Dagger, the attack of a Wizard, the damage of a Sword, and the special of to make people and himself invulnerable. but only its my personal opinion