Favorite ROTMG Enemy Quote?


I know your name, (insert name here)!
I find it funny because who doesn’t know your name? They can see it from looking beneath my god damned character!
If I could, I’d make it say Your name’s shit, (insert name here)!


“Awwwk! Awwwk!”
~drake baby

I never kill these because I feel bad for them


but 35 exp thooo


Who’s this from?




The Red Demon.


Oh yeah.

This is probably a reference to a common thing about demons. Usually when someone knows a demon’s true name, they have full power over them. So it might be a taunt related to that.


Swatsec Has You



I shall never open to the likes of you!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I wonder if that’s an innuendo? :point_right: :ok_hand: xD


That’s what she said. LOL!


I’ve always thought that was funny because what if you aren’t English? What if you are European or Asian? LOL!


But the Ent is right though. No axe CAN fell him! Only swords, staves, daggers, wands and arrows. LOL!


With each blow, I grow and grow!


totally not suggestive :wink:


I’m not fat, I’m big-pixeled!- Nexus crier
The meat ain’t supposed to bite back! Waaaaa!!- Bonegrind the butcher


That one’s part of my favorites, I’ve heard it a lot since I played on many different computers a few years ago, and I had to do the tutorial many times.


That’s… cool.


I remember how when I was a noob, I died on that part


Sorry for the bump, but just saw this thread and thought I had to post this
Favorite enemy quote would hands down be Shaitan -

my fiery fingers of frustrating flame forces foes to fall, fumble and fail!

Funny, thats not actually listed on the wiki for dialogs :thinking: