[Feedback] Magic Woods


First, I have to write about the dungeon layout. All the rooms are connected by a horizontal or vertical path, and as the rooms are pretty big it doesn’t fit with the “Woods” idea. The dungeon should be more labyrinthine.


  • The sprites of the enemies are good, however they are just the same with different size/colors.

  • The boss has a good sprite too, but not her fountain. Something should be added like a stone construction maybe.

  • The sprites of the trees/flowers/rocks/etc are good, but there is a problem with the colors on the ground.
    As you can see you have a nice leaf ground connected to some kind of dirt, even under the trees. More grass should be added there.


  • Having a lot of status effect is a good thing, it’s a good way for new players to start being familiar with them.

  • The damage are too low, it makes the dungeon way too easy. Damage should be buffed and some armor piercing should be added.

  • To make it harder, enemies should also chase you longer in the dungeon, most of them don’t even leave their room.


  • More status effects should be added to the boss and the damages should be buff. For exemple the bombs throwed by the fountain should quiet, and when the boss is doing her “three shots shotgun” phase the shots should slow.

  • Having a boss that have random phases is a good thing. But she shouldn’t be able to do the same phase twice in a row it just makes the fight a bit repetitive.

  • Add the completed dungeon counter please.


  • The dungeon shouldn’t drop a guaranteed dexterity and speed potion. Just the dexterity potion should be guaranteed and the speed should be like the defense potion in Sprite Worlds.

  • Eggs don’t drop, please fix.

  • The boss should drop more tired stuff such as T6 weapons, T7 armors and T3 abilities, they are too uncommon.

  • When tired stuff drops, if it’s T5/6 it doesn’t drop in the same bag than the potions, if it’s not intended please fix.

  • Buff the Fairy dust, 10 seconds are not enough to make it just a bit useful.

  • The orb that only stasis for a longer time is exactly what the mystic doesn’t need.


Pink bags are tiers 1-6…? (for weapons and armors)
t1-2 abilities/rings also


I can assure you the Magic Woods is going to get a massive buff between testing and prod because you could breeze through it even without a pet


You go end game set in a low-mid tier dungeon and expect it to be hard , like lol really ?


I haven’t done just 5 MW with that trickster to post my feedbacks. I tried with other characters and other sets, maxed/unmaxed.
If you had difficulties with that dungeon, even on a 0/8 without stuff, lol really?


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