Finish the Question! [Forum game]


Rules, the person above you starts a question like “do you” “have you ever” “what’s your”
The point is not to finish the question. They are allowed to start with things lie “what’s your favorite” “do you like to” etc. You finish the question and the person BELOW you gives an answer to it.
Let’s begin!
What’s your favorite…


… waterfowl?


Cute baby ducks


Do you enjoy playing…


…board games?


Yes, especially risk.


Do you…


…practice fútbol?


no. practico el atletismo.


Do you love…


GGaodzilla? uwu


UwU* and no


What’s your ideal…






Maybe :family_man_woman_boy:


Which forumer do you think is the most…




Me…oh wait, you said talented? I’m sorry, that would go to @Seelpit


What are the probabilities of…