Finish the Question! [Forum game]


Chicken, egg has a taste that sorta makes me wanna throw up.


Why don’t people …


…try out chocolate sprinkles on bread more?


I don’t know about others. However, personally, I have a terrible experience with choclate on bread. I think that the type of bread matters to some extent. However, plain bread with a small amount of choclate sprinkles isn’t that appealing. Too much choclate sprinkles and I might as well be eating choclate cause it tastes better and doesn’t come with the worthless calories of a slice of bread I didn’t even want


isn’t it a Dutch thing to put sprinkles on bread?
who do you…


want to meet the most irl?


My friend Danny! Would be lovely to actually see eachother ;w;
@Fluffegan Yes, it is. Combined with any type of chocolate spread, it becomes the sweetest of sandwiches.


But the choclate spread is kinda neccesary

How do…


…you bake pancakes?


By not frying them.


Would you rather be…


An ant or a whale?


A whale. Being an ant would feel so insignificant. Unless you get lucky, you’re going to have to work hard and I’m lazy. Whales are such interesting creatures. They live in small groups and migrates. Sounds cool. Of course, if my braing switched along with my body, it probably wouldn’t matter.


Is there a formula for…


quadratic equations?


-b±(to the root) b^2-4ac


yay the realm community isnt completely stupid.

Are able to…?


Form comprehensible questions?




Garbage answer.

Does GGaodzilla deserve large…