Finish the sentence


ur mom

uh, first all thats not valid. If we fill in ur response, the sentence would be soemthing like

The person who is filling this blank in is gay because no one else is going to admit it


If you don’t like the game don’t play I guess. You forgot to add a new sentence.

My worst nightmare is meeting _____ face to face.


My worst nightmare is meeting a 68 year old man in a fursit face to face.

When i was your age, kids like me were doing _______ for fun


things that weren’t :b:ideo games

Inject ________________ into that chicken.



WWIII will be started by __________ in _______ because ___________.


aliens, chicken nugget spaceships, we stole their great and powerful stick on a marshmallow


Godammit you forgot to make a follow up sentence

Because you enjoyed _____, we thought you’d like _____.


Sleeping, closing your eyes forever.

Unfortunately, the situation seems like that realm’s events ___________ing ___________, and that is as a result of over ______________ of _____________.


Unfortunately, the situation seems like that realm’s events lagging hard, and that is as a result of over all rotmg players of death.

What ____ are you _____?


What the fuck are you gay?

What _____ is you ________!


What in the god dam is you doing, MOTHERFUCKER!

Hit me up with that _______, you got me _________. Eat that ____________.


figgy, siggy, twiggy

Me, Tarzan. You _____.


Piece of bs (bad stuff)

I ______ want cheese



_____: The Musical.



nuggets of _______?



In space, no one can hear ________.


their screams! :smiling_imp:

McDonald’s is the ___________ fast food chain because ___________.


Worst, their chicken is bad…

I think that ________ will _______ BlueBoa in the ______!



Why are you such a _______ when you _______?


late person, respond to @?

Sorry, I was late because I had to ____________ at ___________.