Finish the sentence


aliens, chicken nugget spaceships, we stole their great and powerful stick on a marshmallow


Godammit you forgot to make a follow up sentence

Because you enjoyed _____, we thought you’d like _____.


Sleeping, closing your eyes forever.

Unfortunately, the situation seems like that realm’s events ___________ing ___________, and that is as a result of over ______________ of _____________.


Unfortunately, the situation seems like that realm’s events lagging hard, and that is as a result of over all rotmg players of death.

What ____ are you _____?


What the fuck are you gay?

What _____ is you ________!


What in the god dam is you doing, MOTHERFUCKER!

Hit me up with that _______, you got me _________. Eat that ____________.


figgy, siggy, twiggy

Me, Tarzan. You _____.


Piece of bs (bad stuff)

I ______ want cheese



_____: The Musical.



nuggets of _______?



In space, no one can hear ________.


their screams! :smiling_imp:

McDonald’s is the ___________ fast food chain because ___________.


Worst, their chicken is bad…

I think that ________ will _______ BlueBoa in the ______!



Why are you such a _______ when you _______?


late person, respond to @?

Sorry, I was late because I had to ____________ at ___________.


What ______ does Shatter have so that you ______?


My favorite midnight snacc is _______.


My favorite midnight snacc is some RAW, UNDERCOOKED LAMB SAUCEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I love Gordon Ramsy because ______________________'s mom ______________________ _________ed ____________ as a present to my ________ as a _____ing _______________.


That sacrifice wasn’t big enough for that monstrous ego.

Why can my ______ not ______ anymore? Should I go see _______ about it?


computer, open, tape man

______, you should _______