Fix dwarf miner pls


You know it’s a pretty cool idea to have a realm encounter where the enemies are spawned in waves.

But whoops! Surprise! It’s living hell.

First off, the mushrooms’ bullets pierce through players. Doesn’t seem that bad on its own, right? Then you realize that these guys:


have omnidirectional blasts of about a hbkldskngxjillion bullets every half a second, and these guys,


who seem innocent at first with their ~3 bullets per second, end up in groups of 5 to shotgun and instantly obliterate any unsuspecting melee.

It’s kind of hilarious how much more dangerous the small shrooms are than the larger ones.

This isn’t even counting for the fact that the mushrooms do like 100 piercing damage per bullet and each have more health than any god found in godlands. They’re MUSHROOMS of all things, they shouldn’t be able to withstand a thousand slices from an acclaim.

yeah i know a spider shouldn’t be shooting 250 damage bullets out of its bum either but I’m trying to make a point here so shut

You know how the saying goes though: Tough minions? Tough luck.

After painstakingly fighting the last 20 minutes to finish off the remainder of the surviving minions, you begin feel a rumble from deep below. As you prepare yourself for the intense battle foreshadowed by the resilient minions that you’ve faced earlier on, you nervously sweat on your keyboard and watch the crystallized entity grow in size.
It stands still.
And it just stays there.
And it just doesn’t move at all.
And then it shoots bullets that travel slower than when you get slowed in quicksand in a tomb.

Literally the most eventful part about the boss fight is the end, when it spawns 3 pseudo-ice spheres on shrooms. Mind you, this is definitely not fun, especially the ice-sphere part of it, but it sure is an improvement to watching a crystal shoot bullets apathetically as if saying “just kill me now please”.
As a finale, the boss becomes vulnerable once more and flips you off one last time, leaving you with a pbag.

All of this is just happening while the miner is just standing outside his hole kinda like “oh yeah, nice weather today huh”.

b r u h


First off i gotta say, I have never seen a light bluestar put this much effort into ranting about deca. Second, I totally agree and third I think that this encounter is ok but, should at least drop decent loot.


Good thread. I would also like to add that it’s really not necessary for them to spam the realm globally when they spawn and when they change phases. The UFO event already floods the chat box with text, I would rather not have something permanent also do it, regardless of how much deca thinks I should care about the boss.

Also very minor, but it bugs the hell out of me that Oryx refers to them by their company name. Why should he care, and what’s wrong with just announcing them as “Dwarven miners” or something?



me me me me meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

actually technically im a red star :[


I hate this event. It takes ages, and nobody wants to do it. The risk to do it is too high imo, and it barely drops anything. I can argue that the UT it drops is also garbage.
I’m also pretty sure it’s a requirement to close the realm.


(remade as a reply to the topic itself because I don’t know how to use the forum apparently)

What I don’t understand is why the boss itself is the easiest part of the event. The giant crystallized worm father should be the main threat, not the hordes of random mushrooms that came before it.

Hell, it’s not even immune to anything like most of the other Events. Not only can you Stun it - something that totally shuts down a boss based around slow, massive bullet patterns - you can even hit it with Stasis if you really want. Meanwhile, at least half of the shrooms are immune to just about everything.

The concept is fine. Just nerf the minion HP, and maybe buff up the boss itself to compensate.


Yes I agree, he should at least heal the players like the Realm Eye


We learn new things every day.


I mean the dwarf miner thing was way harder when it first released, but it’s much easier to solo now. You just gotta pay very close attention to everything around you. As far as the dungeon, it is easy enough to clear, but the boss is hell. Farthest I’ve gotten on solo is the Crystal Worm Father phase. Never done it in groups before.


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