Fix for black tile tping and failed buffs


Everyone knows that you can’t use your ability with your cursor on a black tile and everyone has seen a hacker tp to a place he shouldn’t be in yet. Couldn’t this be fixed by making your ability act on the last tile it was on before your cursor went onto an unrendered black tile? I don’t mean make it so your cursor can’t go over unrendered black tiles, that would just be annoying, but make your ability act on the last tile it WAS on. Thoughts?


Doesn’t work like that, because if you use the hack then the hack actually renders the black tiles if there’s something behind it. Also if that happened trickster would be really hard to play BC you’d keep taping to edges if you accidentally pressed space


You can already accidentally tp. You can’t blame that on anybody but yourself.

I didn’t know how the hack worked, I just assumed it tped you on the unrendered tiles and you had to guess.


“Let’s make something already stupid and dangerous MORE dangerous!”

Yea that’s like saying BUFF the ice sphere (which I do want tho)

Nop, I wish they’d post previews of it on the fishy websites (I’ve seen people do it, plus I kind of know the coding to it)


Higher Movement Speed, more frequent jumps? Sounds good!



I’ll keep this short.



but you can still shoot in that direction, right?
if you do it correctly, you can now attack in two places at once, with your ability and your weapon. I don’t think that’s good.




That’s not at all what I said. Let me help you: “Let’s make something YOUR FAULT, and completely AVOIDABLE, slightly more dangerous.” Dying to an ice sphere is also your fault and avoidable, but who in the right mind would blame accidentally pressing the spacebar on the game?[quote=“DreadDrake, post:4, topic:9780”]
Yea that’s like saying BUFF the ice sphere

Something that can jump at you from off screen (assuming you don’t play off center) and people who can’t avoid pressing spacebar accidentally are two completely different things.[quote=“CandyShi, post:6, topic:9780”]
I’ll keep this short.


I’ll keep this short, by typing a sentence longer than my response.

why?[quote=“Xaklor, post:7, topic:9780”]
if you do it correctly, you can now attack in two places at once, with your ability and your weapon. I don’t think that’s good.

That actually sounds pretty cool. It’s not really op, but skilled players could potentially stun behind themselves while killing things coming from in front of them. In a game where a big portion of the community hacks and does the same thing a lot easier, what’s so bad about this?


For one, it would be possible to no scope something from an infinete amount of tiles away.


Where would this help you? You would have to be in that place at one point to even save the spellbomb to that location, and no boss has a wall close enough to it where this would actually allow you to cheese it without hours of work that wouldn’t be worth it because you can already hide and spellbomb out of range for the same effect.


Woodland Labrynth, Shatters (switches are located against walls)


Clear the room before the boss, stand in corner, spellbomb and have a chance to actually land a perfect one as opposed to 1 shot from the entire bomb per use. Keep in mind that the boss constantly spawns enemies that will intercept your cheese shots and respawn as soon as they die.

This would possibly help with first switch (I forget if it’s purple liquid, or black tiles next to the switch) the other 2 switches would take hella skill to rush them on a wizard and back while maintaining your cursor in the wall to save the spellbomb over the switch.


I’m honestly a little surprised and disappointed that neither of us thought of the fact that a trickster can save his tp at the start of something he’s about to rush. Okay, it’s a little broken in that regard, but would you like the idea if we thought of a way around this?


I don’t know about you, but the only times when I’ve viewed this as annoying are buffing abilities.

Example: I rush abysses with my cursor directly behind my character, but just barely behind, so walls don’t interfere with buffs.

I wouldn’t expect a spell or poison to work because I didn’t aim properly at the enemy, and I don’t find I’ve ever had an experience where I wanted a damaging ability to work, and it didn’t.


Ehh, I’m not even convinced it’s a good idea anymore. I’m just gonna let this post die, along with my shame for making it. I was originally just focusing on some way to stop this annoying new hack that allows hackers to solo a dungeon in way less time than should be possible. But, I was already explained how it wouldn’t work. Feel free to discuss, but I don’t see a need for it at this point.


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