Flag System Broken


looking back, i have 9 flags
1 inappropriate
4 spam
4 offtopic

1 inappropriate and 1 spam occurred 104 days ago


Hmmm. Posts that are marked as Off-Topic should not count against you as far as Regular status is concerned. It would appear that something doesn’t add up here; please allow me to look into this.



I remember creating a thread “I wish rotmg was real” it then got merged with another thread AND IT GOT FLAGGED FOR SPAM??

literally made me cry


Lol, I have 4. Though 2 of them were deleted. I have some idea what they were though and agree that most of them deserved to be flagged :smiley:

Sorry if this is off topic.


@OtherBill any update?


Ive got
1 spam, May 2017 (forum games :roll_eyes: )
1 off-topic, March 2017 (its gone, guess i deleted the message)
And 1 more that I asked people to flag; wanted to see what a flagged post looks like and couldn’t find one (Just a month ago)

So im doing pretty well for almost 2 years


wow, surprised i havent gotten a flag in ages (actually maybe 1 since i came back).

despite the massive amounts of offtopic posts i have :smirk:

also will never get reg due to activity …


I looked and looked and looked, and my final conclusion is:

You had one or two few reported posts that I disagreed with, and one that I simply ignored. Still, I couldn’t figure out how Discourse was calculating that you had more than 5 moderated posts in the past 100 days (unless it was counting those posts anyway), so I just manually bumped you back up to Regular.

Ironically, now the forum software is showing that you have exactly 5 moderated posts in the past 100 days, so you might want to tread lightly for a couple weeks just to ensure we don’t have to go through this again.


thancc fam


needing 50% of days really hurts if you ever leave the forums



That’s only 50% of the past 100 days.

If you earned Regular before, you should be able to earn it again in the same amount of time (if not less).



The only reason you don’t have reg is because you’ve been suspended.

The only reason you were suspended is because you requested one (Oct '17) to focus on your studies.

I see no reason to count that against you.


this is weird
2 5 day old posts were flagged, mine for spam. it’s in the “oryx need a nerf or still easy” thread.


Is there a way to know how close you are to recieving regular?


oh, nice, I must’ve misunderstood the reqs from the (regular island?) thread.

that would be nice, like a page that shows what requirements you’ve already met and how far you are from others.

A feature that PMs you a warning that you’re close to losing reg would also be nice


I think the idea is forumers don’t deliberately try and farm the forum trying to earn it (eg. if you could see it spelled out that you’re 50 replies away the temptation is to spam a load of posts, or if you’re 100 likes short, to start begging for them), more that it will happen naturally to any forumer who is genuinely a regular (& non-flagged) user.

The reqs are mentioned on: https://www.realmeye.com/forum#regular

The mods have seemed happy in the past to answer users in the Regular Bridge when someone wants to know, but making it autovisible I think would encourage it to be farmed artificially, to the forum’s detriment.


@Leohe: yeah, this.

Look for the thread called “The Regular Bridge” and feel free to ask over there.


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