Flash Projecter on Mac Using Wine



So I recently posted a thread about weird memory usage on flash projecter and the only fix I have seen in the past day and a half of searching is using wine to run a windows version of adobe standalone flash projecter.

I have a mid 2014 macbook pro laptop and I downloaded the latest version of wine.

I have tried both the latest version of flash and version 18. Both give me a language error. I have tried bottling them but that doesn’t work correctly.

The only fixes I have seen are to make it trusted in my settings and add winetrust.cfg to a folder in application support. Neither of them have worked. When I load the windows version through wine, I get a black screen, the music, and then a language error.

Anyone know of a fix?

Increased Memory Usage on Flash Projecter

Maybe merge this


Other posts about memory usage. Need more information if you’re looking for memory usage. ON THE OTHER HAND, if you’re just looking for a solution to the language error… It’s a common issue and a lot of people have asked questions about it.


Damn a nice blast from the past with that old '17 post.

Try going into your global security settings for flash and enabling that link. Mac security is funny that way.


I have tried everything you guys have suggested and they did not help. Anything else you guys can think of?


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