Flash Projector Broke


Well the link doesn’t work anymore, anyone got a fix?


Its not just the link. I can’t even get flash player to launch RotMG when I type in the independent swf


Go ahead and search the forums for issues you find in-game to see if they’ve already been addressed. Lots of people have had flash player issues since the most recent update, and advice can be found on those preexisting threads. If the advice on those threads isn’t working, you can ask for additional information there, but creating additional conversations about the same topic won’t help. Sorry if I came off as miffed in this reply; I’m just tired of seeing a new thread every time.



The problem is flash isn’t automatically downloading the swf file. You have to manually download the swf file (from here: https://www.realmeye.com/wiki/using-the-adobe-flash-projector) by clicking on it and then clicking and dragging the file from your downloads folder into the opened flash projector.

Edit: wrong link at first :sweat_smile:
sorry if you saw that (it wasnt nsfw, just stupid)


Just using downloading the swf and opening it probably gives you the language error.
However manually downloading the swf, deleting the previous flash settings and adding it to the trusted locations worked for me


How would you delete your previous flash settings?


right click>global settings>delete all


Hi, I am on flash player 18, and my screen gets stuck at loading, but when I try log in through the web browser, it works fine. I have not edited/changed my link, so this is very random. Anyone have any ideas how I can fix it?


My Flash Projector isn’t working it’s version 28 and since the update on 1/18/18 i haven’t been able to get on ROTMG sinc I’ve tried using CC Cleaner and it doesn’t work.


does this work?


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