Flash projector not working, "Unable to load language [en]" error


Hi, I’m having trouble getting realm to work on flash projector, anytime I try and open it it comes up with the “Unable to load language [en]” error message.

The OS I use is windows 10 and I normally play on Flash Player 24

I’ve been using the https://realmofthemadgodhrd.appspot.com/client link with no problems until earlier this morning when it stopped working and starting giving me the error message while playing.

I switched over to the https://www.realmofthemadgod.com/client but nothing loads and I only get a blank screen

I then tried downloading the current .sfw file and made it a trusted file but it still came up with the same error.

I even tried downloading the steam version of realm and still got the same error.

After restarting my computer I still got the same error on all the previous methods.

While I can play on browser it isn’t a viable option
I get black tiles and lots of rubber banding if I play on brave (my main browser)
Firefox worked a lot better but I found it has a fatal bug where if you right click a players in chat the game stops taking in keyboard inputs which ended up killing my necro.

So does anyone know if there’s anything else I can try and do? I want to try and get it work by Sunday as I still need 3 shards for the Anubis skin


I’ve seen this a handful of times in the last few days, but it’s only been sporadic and I’ve had no problems getting online next time I tried.


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