Flex Your Sets


get 93 no balls


still got 4 more cbows and 3 more ctraps lmao


Overly Complicated Pro Player Experiences are weird.


It’s dead by the way.




A PPE that has only been alive for one day.

7/8. I got the Murky at Level 1, and I have gotten 9 or so whites total.



Best knight set?


Now i need omni and Cult staff >:c



Boi, that’s not even yours, is it? That’s the testing server


That’s the joke


But how do you know it’s a joke?


Because he used digital red marker to draw the 70 instead of an actually convincing color and font


O well, maybe






No Omni ur a scrub.



too laggy to do lost halls i got this all by sun sets… :c


Oof. Well then the pyra is OK I guess. I like the gold aesthetic.