Flex Your Sets


Needs better ring :man_shrugging:


dblade and pixie together


It is a flex thread :wink:


Got an omni today :smiley:




Luna’s archer is so stacked holy shit


thanks! :smiley:


I’m sorry for your loss :frowning:


frameskips ffs…


noooo rip :broken_heart:


Colo was in vault; I just put it on at the time for the set

I hate colo sword on knight cuz the range is a terrible synergy with shields



Now all that needs is eye


yes😔htt harder than void imo tho




Para HP and Unbound HP? Or is that for trade


para will be on an 03 throwaway during event, ub was what i was wearing before either monocle or horn, and what i will wear on future characters


I don’t know why i felt the need to get 3 sets for a character that i haven’t played since february 2020




how do you have more shots hit than fired